No rule to make target

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Re: No rule to make target

Post by GCB-Toronto »

Now I am seeing this - I notice that do not have a Debug sub-folder in the proect or workspace directory.

C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c "mingw32-make.exe -j 4 -e -f "" Debug/deflate.o"
----------Building project:[ gzip4 - Debug ] (Single File Build)----------
<built-in>:0:0: fatal error: opening dependency file Debug/deflate.o.d: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
mingw32-make.exe: *** [Debug/deflate.o.d] Error 1 recipe for target `Debug/deflate.o.d' failed
0 errors, 0 warnings
CodeLite Enthusiast
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Re: No rule to make target

Post by GCB-Toronto »

OK I went ahead and created the Debug sub-folder and the compile is working. Thanks for the help.
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