I used ctags with this code
Code: Select all
struct {
wxString test;
int num;
} Inf;
And get the result
Code: Select all
Inf D:\Proba\NoteMDI\main.h /^ } Inf;$/;" m class:MainFrame typeref:struct:MainFrame::__anon1
num D:\Proba\NoteMDI\main.h /^ int num;$/;" m struct:MainFrame::__anon1
test D:\Proba\NoteMDI\main.h /^ wxString test;$/;" m struct:MainFrame::__anon1
Why code completion can not handle the same task? In my opinion the negative result comes out with a parsing ole2.h for the same reason
I looked at tags file created by CodeLite for the same file:
Code: Select all
"77467" "Inf" "D:\Proba\NoteMDI\main.h" "56" "member" "protected" "" "/^ } Inf;$/" "MainFrame" "" "MainFrame::Inf" "struct:MainFrame::__anon1" "MainFrame" ""
"77471" "test" "D:\Proba\NoteMDI\main.h" "54" "member" "public" "" "/^ wxString test;$/" "MainFrame" "" "MainFrame::test" "" "MainFrame" ""
"77472" "num" "D:\Proba\NoteMDI\main.h" "55" "member" "public" "" "/^ int num;$/" "MainFrame" "" "MainFrame::num" "" "MainFrame" ""
Why path for test and inf is MainFrame::test (should be: MainFrame::Inf::test), these elements belong to struct:MainFrame::__anon1? Why code completion can not handle even inf struct?