Handling HTML HelpWorkshop & Installer compile

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Handling HTML HelpWorkshop & Installer compile

Post by coder99 »

After being away from Codelite for some time, I am looking at it again, with an eye to trying to use it at least to help me maintain the steps following the compile of a project.

Two of the sub tasks of many projects is the creation of help files and the building the installer - for example.

I have seen the flash presentation which includes the Inno Setup compiler IIRC and a similar arrangement would do some of the work I would like to have done - the final compile.
But unless I simply make this a post-build step, which compiles every time, it does not handle dependencies. It will force a compile every time, rather than invoking the compile step only if any of the dependent files have changed. I could also do it manually as in the flash presentation.
Or I can do it an even more old-fashioned way and build a make file :-(

But what I really would like is to see is a setup similar to a C/C++ project; inputs and outputs are specified, along with dependencies and rules, so that once the relationship is laid out, it will treated just like a C/C++ project. The IDEs already have implemented the makefile features, but really ONLY for C/C++

Basically, I suppose it can be looked at as supporting other languages and from my looking through the forum topics, it does not seem really high on the priority list ;-)

In considering the various options and the threads relating to plug-ins and special build steps, it looks like it might be feasible as a plug-in, but before committing myself to one or the other - manual compile and maintenance versus learning how to compile and debug a whole new system - consisting of Codelite as well as the plug-in interface and innards - I thought I'd see if someone else might have a better idea or even better yet, a reasonably sufficient and workable solution or work-around.

The main problem is not so much in getting it done once, but in setting up a system - such as Codelite provides for C/C++ - for other steps in the overall project development, so that once the system is set up, one can come back to it after some time and carry on or even pass the system to another developer without having to write a lengthy explanation describing the process and the dependencies.

In many ways, I suppose, I'm looking for as complete a GUI solution, as make is for the command line :-)

Any thoughts???

Win 10/11 64-bit, MSVC 2019/2022, wxWidgets 3.2.1, CodeLite 17.0 Mint 21.2

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Re: Handling HTML HelpWorkshop & Installer compile

Post by eranif »

Like you noticed already, codelite is for C++ only. by "only" I mean, that I myself will probably will not invest time on other languages other than C/C++.

You best course of action (assuming you will stick to codelite) is to write a plugin to do the task for you - in this case I will be happy to assist.

Make sure you have read the HOW TO POST thread
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Re: Handling HTML HelpWorkshop & Installer compile

Post by coder99 »

Thank you for your reply.
I very much understand your position - I have similar constraints on what I can or will take on ;-)

As well, I do like Codelite a lot and liked it before I had to leave it. Now that I had another chance, I see that it has improved a lot over the time I was occupied with other things.

As it stands right now, I think I need to finish by any means what I had hoped to be able to do with Codelite - at least for now.

Just the same, I very much hope to be able to use MSVC and Codelite in parallel - both for the things they do best for me.

Some of this has to do with my background - I'm much more familiar with the MSVC debugger and know its wrinkles a bit better the GNU dbg.

The other issue which causes problems for me, is that I have been able to detect memory leaks a lot better with MSVC - so, even when I was using Codelite, I kept the code so I could move back and forth for all the reasons mentioned.

My intention is to keep that up for now and hopefully get to know Codelite (and gdbg) better and perhaps work on some of the other ideas I raised - they still are a problem for me (and others, I'm sure) and perhaps over time they can be addressed.

In that case, I very much appreciate your offer of assistance.

As for the plug-in, I have looked at this aspect, but before I'll even get off the ground, there are other issues I need to work out with my system.
I had downloaded the latest SVN code and compiled it without problems - using the latest CL, but have had some issues with running the newly compiled version.
As I am not all that familiar with gdbg I have put off chasing this for the time being, but will get back as I get a chance to work on it further.

Win 10/11 64-bit, MSVC 2019/2022, wxWidgets 3.2.1, CodeLite 17.0 Mint 21.2

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