CodeLite on macos

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CodeLite on macos

Post by smartmobili »


I have installed latest stable version on SnowLeopard and I wanted to compile a simple Hello World using clang compiler.
I cannot even insert a new file !!!
In Workspace view, I select the project then Right-click to choose Import Files from Directory, then I click Browse to change root directory
then ok but nothings happens.
Finally I have removed all pattern matching to just leave *.c but doesn't work either.
And why do I need to use this Import Files from Directory, why I cannot just choose which files I want to import ?
Seems I miss a menu item.

About compiler configuration in Build Settings, when adding a new compiler in Tools subsection, there is a PATH environnment variable but I think
that if we want to add a new entry we need to enter something like : /my_new_path:$PATH, don't we ?
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Re: CodeLite on macos

Post by smartmobili »

smartmobili wrote:Hi,

I have installed latest stable version on SnowLeopard and I wanted to compile a simple Hello World using clang compiler.
I cannot even insert a new file !!!
In Workspace view, I select the project then Right-click to choose Import Files from Directory, then I click Browse to change root directory
then ok but nothings happens.
Finally I have removed all pattern matching to just leave *.c but doesn't work either.
And why do I need to use this Import Files from Directory, why I cannot just choose which files I want to import ?
Seems I miss a menu item.

About compiler configuration in Build Settings, when adding a new compiler in Tools subsection, there is a PATH environnment variable but I think
that if we want to add a new entry we need to enter something like : /my_new_path:$PATH, don't we ?
Hahahaha actually I need to add a virtual folder ...
About PATH there is a small tooltip doing what I want.
But I still miss my Visual Studio because I never manage to configure CodeLite.

Ok I found my error, ususally on prompt I can write PATH=/opt/bin:$PATH BUT with codelite if I forget to put parenthesis it doesn't work.
Why do you need them ?
Coulnd't be possible to add them if we forgot ?
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Re: CodeLite on macos

Post by eranif »

smartmobili wrote:Why do you need them ?
Coulnd't be possible to add them if we forgot ?
Put in mind that CodeLite is cross platform IDE - so I decided to adopt the pattern $(<NAME>) and then replace it with regexp.

Think of the bright side: I could of adopt the Windows way of achieving this: %<NAME>% ;)

Make sure you have read the HOW TO POST thread
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