Output View not dockable in 3365?

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Output View not dockable in 3365?

Post by zaphod »

Is is possible to make the "Output View" pane dockable in 3365 the way it is in 3035? I'm unable to find a control to do this.

The facility to "hide the output pane" whenever one clicks in an editor is nice, but I have LOTS of screen space [1920 x 1200] so docking the Output View beneath the Workspace View, with the code editor on the right, allowed me to see everything and always have the editor full screen height. At the moment, I have lots of wasted whitespace on the screen -- it's a crime to let pixels go to waste.
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Re: Output View not dockable in 3365?

Post by eranif »

You can not dock it.

You can use Ctrl-M to hide the output view if needed.

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Re: Output View not dockable in 3365?

Post by zaphod »

Pity :cry: . Nevertheless, keep up the good work! :D
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Re: Output View not dockable in 3365?

Post by kspes »

This would be really useful, I usually have 2 monitors set up and prefer to set the output window on the other monitor. That's how I've been doin it with visual c++ for the past few months and has turned out great;

How difficult would this be to implement?
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Re: Output View not dockable in 3365?

Post by eranif »

Actually, I tried to make it dockable - the only thing that *can* be docked is the pane, NOT the button.
So you will be ending up with the buttons at the bottom of codelite while the output pane is floating around / docked somewhere else. We could make it configurable though.

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Re: Output View not dockable in 3365?

Post by kspes »

Hmm, why not the buttons? Can't you assign them to the pane window, not the main window? The project window is dockable and has buttons on it as well;
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Re: Output View not dockable in 3365?

Post by eranif »

kspes wrote:Hmm, why not the buttons?
Since the buttons are a different window. The thing is that by clicking a button, I am using wxAUI API to Hide / Show the pane. Now, by assigning the buttons to the same window, we will end up hiding the buttons as well (the output pane is a wxAui pane with no caption visible) - which is bad. We could try instead of hiding it simple change its size to fit the buttons -> but from my experience with wxAui this is close to impossible

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Re: Output View not dockable in 3365?

Post by kspes »

can you assign a menu accelerator to show/hide the pane instead of assigning it to a button in the pane? That might solve the problem
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Re: Output View not dockable in 3365?

Post by DavidGH »


I suppose you could duplicate the button panel. Have one in the dockable pane, and the other in the current bottom-of-screen position.

Then, when the output view is open and its buttons visible, hide the bottom-of-screen buttons. When it's closed (and, optionally, when it's undocked) you show them.


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Re: Output View not dockable in 3365?

Post by kspes »

eranif wrote:We could make it configurable though.
So, what's the state of this then? It would be great if the output window can be dockable, even if that means adding the title area. The little bugger is really eating my screen space. In VC++ i detach the output window and send it to another monitor to maximize the code area which has proven to be very very useful.

As a compromise solution, you can provide an option to detach the output window even though the buttons will remain there.
BTW: is there an alternative to using wxAui for the buttons? Workspace view has tabs on the bottom and that'd work quite nicely with the output view.
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