New to C++ and CodeLite

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New to C++ and CodeLite

Post by root »

I've always wanted to learn C++ and saw this past weekend that Udemy had all their lecture videos on sale. So I snatched up three of them. The first vid is called From Beginner to Beyond. When i cranked it up, I was pleased to see the instructor was also using CodeLite. So I got my CodeLite set up like he has his. Under Settings -> Preferences -> Edit, I have smart curly brackets ticked. Now that works great if I'm using them in an If statement or function, or anything else like that. But where they don't work is when I use them to initialize variables:

Code: Select all

int myInet {0};
I have to also add the closing curly bracket to that. Is there a reason that smart curly brackets work for everything but initializing vars? Or do I need to fix another setting somewhere? It'd be nice if they also smartly closed in situations like that too.

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Re: New to C++ and CodeLite

Post by eranif »

The closed curly brackets is only added when you hit ENTER.
You can file a feature request on GitHub
Make sure you have read the HOW TO POST thread
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Re: New to C++ and CodeLite

Post by root »

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