Best way to install Codelite locally under Linux

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Best way to install Codelite locally under Linux

Post by marmistrz »

I'm doing a programming project at my university and I must say I really like Codelite.

But I don't have administrative rights in our lab, so I can't really install Codelite system wide, besides, they're using the PLD Linux distribution Codelite isn't packaged for.

What's my best bet for installing Codelite locally? Building from source?
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Re: Best way to install Codelite locally under Linux

Post by DavidGH »

What's my best bet for installing Codelite locally? Building from source?
If PLD doesn't supply CodeLite rpms, and assuming that the fedora or openSUSE ones that we supply won't work on PLD (which they almost certainly won't), building from source is your only option.

Fortunately it's not hard. Make sure you have the dependencies installed, especially wx3.0.2 or later; if you didn't build wx yourself, make sure you have any wx development packages installed too. There will be other dependencies as well; for example the list of fedora dependencies is cmake, sqlite-devel, clang-devel, and optionally lldb-devel. You'll also need standard things like g++ and make, of course.

Download and unpack the CodeLite-9.1 source. Then in the source dir do:

Code: Select all

mkdir build-dir
cd build-dir
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DWITH_PCH=1 -DPREFIX=$(pwd)/../CL-install ..
make -j<n> && make install # where 'n' is your number of cpu cores
This will install CodeLite into <source-dir>/CL-install. You should be able to run it from there by doing:


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