Strangely Disabled Project Menu Items

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CodeLite Curious
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IDE Question: C++

Strangely Disabled Project Menu Items

Post by CppL »

Problem : Disabled Project Menu Items.
Specs : CodeLite 7.0 (The Official Release/Build), WinXp SP3 (32-Bit).
Workspace Type: C++.
Project Types : I mainly tested the Console types, and one GUI, but I guess it doesn't matter.

In Workspace View Panel, right click on any project, whether there's one or more, in the project menu,
the following items are strangely always disabled:
-Clean Project (disabled even after any build, but I can clean using the main menu[Build->Clean Project])
-Stop Build (disabled even when a build is in process, but I can stop the build using the main menu[Build->Stop Build])
-Project Only-> (the small arrow is strangely displaced to above)
-Set As Active (disabled even when there's more than one project, but I can set the active project by double clicking)
-Export Makefile (disabled even after any build)
-New Virtual Folder
-Rename Project
-Save As Template...
-Project Editor Preferences...

I hope I didn't miss anything. :roll:
Edit:Changed the Subject(title). It may be clearer.