Compiling and linking with OSX frameworks
- CodeLite Curious
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Compiling and linking with OSX frameworks
Does anyone know how to specify to CodeLite the frameworks required for compiling and linking? I've tried to use -F/System/Library/Frameworks as both compiler and linker options, but gcc/g++ doesn't seem to be able to find the header files in the frameworks. Specifically, the openGL frameworks. Any tips would be appreciated.
- eranif
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Re: Compiling and linking with OSX frameworks
Not really a CodeLite question 
I am not very familiar with Mac, however, I looked at the link line produced by wx-config tool, and it looks like you need:
For every toolkit which exist under /System/Library/Framework/, you simply add:
This can be added in project settings -> linker -> options

I am not very familiar with Mac, however, I looked at the link line produced by wx-config tool, and it looks like you need:
Code: Select all
-framework OpenGL
Code: Select all
-framework <framework_name>
Make sure you have read the HOW TO POST thread
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Re: Compiling and linking with OSX frameworks
Hi yiplite,
I use OpenGl on Mac with this linker options.
So to use OpenGl, you just have to add '--gl-libs' to your linker options.
I use OpenGl on Mac with this linker options.
Code: Select all
`$(WXWIN)/GCCBuildReleaseMacUnicode/wx-config --inplace --exec-prefix="$(WXWIN)/GCCBuildReleaseMacUnicode" --libs --gl-libs` -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk -mmacosx-version-min=10.4 -framework CoreAudio -framework AudioToolbox -framework AudioUnit -framework Carbon
- CodeLite Curious
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Re: Compiling and linking with OSX frameworks
Thanks guys,
I've got it figured out. Still wondering why gluPerspective can't be found, but that's for a different forum altogether.
I've got it figured out. Still wondering why gluPerspective can't be found, but that's for a different forum altogether.