Codelite on PS3

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Codelite on PS3

Post by sequent_blender »


I'm running Ubuntu 7.10 on my PlayStation 3 (PS3) and am wondering whether Codelite will compile and install on the (Power-PC-based) PS3? If it will, can someone please post a set-by-setp guide as I'm fairly new to all this and don't want to stuff it up.

Thanks, Dave.
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Re: Codelite on PS3

Post by eranif »


I dont see any reason why CodeLite should not be able to run on your box.

You will need to compile it from sources, since the debian provided is for i386 and not PPC.

Have a look here for further details: ... r.Download

or If you encounter any other problems, post them here, and I will see what can I do to help you

Make sure you have read the HOW TO POST thread
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