no PHP Workspace Selection in Code Lite for Ubuntu 16.04 64

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CodeLite Curious
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IDE Question: PHP

no PHP Workspace Selection in Code Lite for Ubuntu 16.04 64

Post by goblooge »

hello, i'm newbie here. i used Code Lite 1.9, i supposed to use codelite for php development, but when i install in my my computer is Intel NUC DN2820FYKH with Kubuntu 16.04 64 bit, there is no PHP Workspace selection. when i create new workspace, it did not ask me which Workspace Type that i want to use, instead it automatically use C++ type. so there is no PHP Tab and no PHP code completion.

any help would appreciate
thank in advance and sorry about my bad english, not my mother language.
CodeLite Curious
Posts: 2
Joined: Sat Jul 02, 2016 10:08 am
Genuine User: Yes
IDE Question: PHP

Re: no PHP Workspace Selection in Code Lite for Ubuntu 16.04

Post by goblooge »

never mind it fix.
i reinstall the Whole Operating System (same Operating System Kubuntu 16.04 64 bit)
and reinstall codelite and installed codelite-plugins via repository and it's fix
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