Compile and run a wxWidget project

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CodeLite Curious
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Compile and run a wxWidget project

Post by kea_ »

Hello all,

My installation: mingw 3.4.5, wxWidget-2.8.8, CodeLite v1.0

My question:
I have looked for docs about the installation for CodeLite and wxWidget but unfortunately I didn't find any things.
So I just created a project an tried to compile and run it.
There where some errors (as I expected):

Building: "mingw32-make" -j 1 -f "" type=Debug
----------Building project:[ MyFrame2 - DebugUnicode ]----------
cc1plus.exe: error: unrecognized command line option "-Wno-attributes"
mingw32-make[1]: *** [DebugUnicode/myframe2_app.o.d] Error 1
mingw32-make: *** [All] Error 2
----------Build Ended----------

Please give me a hint.

Thank you very much
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Re: Compile and run a wxWidget project

Post by eranif »

Some questions:
Do you have wxWidgets installed?

Can u post the content of the generated makefile?

Quick guess: it looks like a MinGW error. try reinstall MinGW as described here:

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CodeLite Curious
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Re: Compile and run a wxWidget project

Post by kea_ »

Yes I have the wxWidget installed.
But I don't know where and how I should set the path to the wxWidget library.
I think this is the main reason for not working.

Greetings kea_
## Auto Generated makefile, please do not edit
PATH:=$(PATH); D:\programs\Development\MinGW\bin

## DebugUnicode
ifeq ($(type),DebugUnicode)
ConfigurationName :=DebugUnicode
IntermediateDirectory :=./DebugUnicode
OutDir := $(IntermediateDirectory)
ArchiveTool :=ar rcu
SharedObjectLinkerName :=g++ -shared -fPIC
ObjectSuffix :=.o
DebugSwitch :=-gstab
IncludeSwitch :=-I
LibrarySwitch :=-l
OutputSwitch :=-o
LibraryPathSwitch :=-L
PreprocessorSwitch :=-D
SourceSwitch :=-c
CompilerName :=g++
OutputFile :=$(IntermediateDirectory)/MyFrame
Preprocessors :=$(PreprocessorSwitch)__WX__
ObjectSwitch :=-o
ArchiveOutputSwitch :=
CmpOptions :=-g $(shell wx-config --cxxflags --unicode=yes --debug=yes) $(Preprocessors)
RcCmpOptions :=$(shell wx-config --rcflags)
RcCompilerName :=windres
LinkOptions := -O2 $(shell wx-config --debug=yes --libs --unicode=yes) -mwindows
IncludePath :=
RcIncludePath :=
Libs :=
LibPath :=

Objects=$(IntermediateDirectory)/myframe_app$(ObjectSuffix) $(IntermediateDirectory)/myframe_frame$(ObjectSuffix)

## Main Build Tragets
all: $(OutputFile)

$(OutputFile): makeDirStep $(Objects)
$(LinkerName) $(OutputSwitch)$(OutputFile) $(Objects) $(LibPath) $(Libs) $(LinkOptions)

@makedir "./DebugUnicode"


## Objects
$(IntermediateDirectory)/myframe_app$(ObjectSuffix): myframe_app.cpp $(IntermediateDirectory)/myframe_app$(ObjectSuffix).d
$(CompilerName) $(SourceSwitch)myframe_app.cpp $(CmpOptions) $(ObjectSwitch)$(IntermediateDirectory)/myframe_app$(ObjectSuffix) $(IncludePath)
@$(CompilerName) $(CmpOptions) $(IncludePath) -MT$(IntermediateDirectory)/myframe_app$(ObjectSuffix) -MF$(IntermediateDirectory)/myframe_app$(ObjectSuffix).d -MM myframe_app.cpp

$(IntermediateDirectory)/myframe_frame$(ObjectSuffix): myframe_frame.cpp $(IntermediateDirectory)/myframe_frame$(ObjectSuffix).d
$(CompilerName) $(SourceSwitch)myframe_frame.cpp $(CmpOptions) $(ObjectSwitch)$(IntermediateDirectory)/myframe_frame$(ObjectSuffix) $(IncludePath)
@$(CompilerName) $(CmpOptions) $(IncludePath) -MT$(IntermediateDirectory)/myframe_frame$(ObjectSuffix) -MF$(IntermediateDirectory)/myframe_frame$(ObjectSuffix).d -MM myframe_frame.cpp

## Clean
$(RM) $(IntermediateDirectory)/myframe_app$(ObjectSuffix)
$(RM) $(IntermediateDirectory)/myframe_app$(ObjectSuffix).d
$(RM) $(IntermediateDirectory)/myframe_frame$(ObjectSuffix)
$(RM) $(IntermediateDirectory)/myframe_frame$(ObjectSuffix).d
$(RM) $(OutputFile)
$(RM) $(OutputFile).exe

-include $(IntermediateDirectory)/*.d
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Re: Compile and run a wxWidget project

Post by eranif »

kea_ wrote:But I don't know where and how I should set the path to the wxWidget library.
You dont need to. Since CodeLite already set it for you. It is using :

Code: Select all

wx-config --cxxflags --unicode=yes --debug=yes
for the include path, defines and other settings.


Code: Select all

wx-config --debug=yes --libs --unicode=yes
for the libraries / paths

kea_ wrote:cc1plus.exe: error: unrecognized command line option "-Wno-attributes"
Do you have another wx-config installed? since the one I am providing does not yield this option. and it seems like wx-config --cflags adds this option on your machine.

Here is the output on my XP machine:

Code: Select all

C:\>wx-config --cflags
-mthreads -DHAVE_W32API_H -D__WXMSW__ -D_UNICODE -IC:\wxWidgets-2.8.7\lib\gcc_dll\mswu -IC:\wxWidgets-2.8.7\include -DWXUSINGDLL -Wno-ctor-dtor-privacy -pipe -fmessage-length=0
can u try to run the same command from the command line?
CodeLite installs this under /path/to/codelite/wx-config.exe

You can run this command to see which wx-config is used:

Code: Select all

/path/to/codelite/which.exe wx-config

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CodeLite Curious
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Re: Compile and run a wxWidget project

Post by kea_ »

Hello eranif,

thank you for your great help.
I have found a installation help on In my opinion this should be on the documentation site. Anyway...
I have done the installation description steps on the download.
Now it works. But I have to copy the wxmsw28ud_gcc_custom.dll to the .exe file.
Width the wxdevcpp you can just compile link and then you have just one file.
I think that must be possible with the codelite too.
Do you know how to do that?

Thanks very much for your help
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Re: Compile and run a wxWidget project

Post by eranif »

kea_ wrote:n my opinion this should be on the documentation site.
kea_ wrote:But I have to copy the wxmsw28ud_gcc_custom.dll to the .exe file.
This is because you are using DLL build of wxWidgets. If you wish to have only exe, and no DLL, build wxWidgets as static library - please refer to for more help about this.

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CodeLite Curious
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Re: Compile and run a wxWidget project

Post by kea_ »

Hello Eran,

thank you for your great help.
Everything works fine now.

Greetings kea_
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