Suggestion, Copy Compiler under build settings

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Suggestion, Copy Compiler under build settings

Post by Gibbon1 »

In the category of users with self serving feature requests that they have no intention of working on.

I use codelite for embedded development using gcc cross compilers. A suggestion that might make it easier for others would be to allow users to 'copy' a compiler under build settings. That would make it a lot easier to create a new compiler since the various flavors of of gcc are very similar to each other.

Even better would be a plug in to detect and register compilers installed on the host machine. Code::Blocks has something like this, but it's was a bit of a mess last time I looked at it.

PS: Is there any way to run 'plug-in's written in python under codelite? For auto-detecting compilers, something like python would be the way to do it, since anyone working on it wouldn't have to compile and link codelite from sources.
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Re: Suggestion, Copy Compiler under build settings

Post by eranif »

codelite uses a single class for all compilers.
The compiler is based on XML and not on hard coded C++ code (IIRC, codeblocks is also trying to move to codelite's way of handling compilers)
Gibbon1 wrote:PS: Is there any way to run 'plug-in's written in python under codelite? For auto-detecting compilers, something like python would be the way to do it, since anyone working on it wouldn't have to compile and link codelite from sources.
You could run your python script and let it generate the XML file needed by codelite (look under ~/.codelite/config/build_settings.xml, although it might make sense to separate the compilers to separate XML per compiler)

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Re: Suggestion, Copy Compiler under build settings

Post by Gibbon1 »

I had been thinking that having a separate xml file for each compiler would be helpful.

More amusing would be if the build setting xml files had a python script to detect if the compiler was installed. That way you could detect which compilers were installed by running the script.
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Re: Suggestion, Copy Compiler under build settings

Post by eranif »

If I would add any scripting language to codelite it will be JavaScript based on V8 with some codelite extension
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Re: Suggestion, Copy Compiler under build settings

Post by Gibbon1 »

I spent a little time trying to cross compile V8 for an embedded linux server we use at work. I gave up because file IO in V8 is really not there. There is a project v8-juice that bolts on file IO and other support,

But it doesn't seem very active. And last time I checked each new version of V8 tends to break something in V8-juice.

I suggested python, even though I don't like it much, because it seems to be used more and more as 'glue' in the linux world. My other suggestions besides Python would be Lua and GoLang. Both are embeddable. Supposedly Lua requires very little effort in that regard.
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Re: Suggestion, Copy Compiler under build settings

Post by eranif »

Its an extension of V8 but its not "pure" V8.
I have a lot of experience with V8 and extending its JavaScript with C++ classes - this is why I suggested it. Besides, who does not know how to write JavaScript?

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