Windows Compile Issues UCRT64

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CodeLite Curious
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Windows Compile Issues UCRT64

Post by DrAnony »

I believe I have followed all the directions to compile under msys2 for Windows, but when it goes to generate the makefiles, it can't find libs correctly.

Code: Select all

-- Found SQLite3: C:/msys64/ucrt64/include (found version "3.46.1")
-- Found BISON: C:/msys64/usr/bin/bison.exe (found version "3.8.2")
-- Found FLEX: C:/msys64/usr/bin/flex.exe (found version "2.6.4")
-- BUILD_DIRECTORY is set to C:/msys64/home/e21052371/codelite/build-release
-- OS name WIN
-- CL_INSTALL_BIN is set to C:/msys64/home/e21052371/codelite/build-release/install
-- PLUGINS_DIR is set to C:/msys64/home/e21052371/codelite/build-release/install/plugins
CMake Deprecation Warning at cmake/Modules/OSXInstall.cmake:1 (cmake_minimum_required):
  Compatibility with CMake < 3.10 will be removed from a future version of

  Update the VERSION argument <min> value.  Or, use the <min>...<max> syntax
  to tell CMake that the project requires at least <min> but has been updated
  to work with policies introduced by <max> or earlier.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  CMakeLists.txt:367 (include)

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:405 (message):
  -- Could not find libssh

If I use: cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -G"MinGW Makefiles" -DWXWIN="$HOME/root" -Wno-dev -DENABLE_SFTP=0

I get this:

Code: Select all

-- CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is set to C:/msys64/home/e21052371/codelite/build-release/install
-- BUILD_DIRECTORY is set to C:/msys64/home/e21052371/codelite/build-release
-- OS name WIN
-- CL_INSTALL_BIN is set to C:/msys64/home/e21052371/codelite/build-release/install
-- PLUGINS_DIR is set to C:/msys64/home/e21052371/codelite/build-release/install/plugins
-- WXWIN is set to C:/msys64/home/e21052371/root
-- WXCFG is set to clang_x64_dll/mswu
could not open configuration file: C:/msys64/home/e21052371/root/lib/clang_x64_dll/mswu/build.cfg
-- wxWidgets_USE_FILE is set to:
-- PLUGINS_DIR is set to C:/msys64/home/e21052371/codelite/build-release/install/plugins
-- Using custom Notebook
-- Building in Release mode
-- Executables will be written into C:/msys64/home/e21052371/codelite/build-release/bin
-- Shared Objects will be written into C:/msys64/home/e21052371/codelite/build-release/lib
-- Adding -DNDEBUG to definitions
-- OS_CODENAME is set to unknown
-- ARCH 64
-- USE_SFTP is set to 0
-- *** NOTICE ***: SFTP support is disabled
CMake Error at sdk/databaselayer/CMakeLists.txt:39 (message):
  -- Could not locate

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!