Using CodeLite to build and debug Ada code?

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Using CodeLite to build and debug Ada code?

Post by neildarlow »


I've been using CodeLite comfortably to build and debug C++ code. For another project I would like to use the GNU GNAT Ada tool suite.

Is this feasible, and if so, would I be better using a Makefile-based project or could I integrate the GNAT tools into the IDE settings. Actually, GNAT has an associated build tool called gprbuild which can manage all build stages of an Ada application.

I'm inclined to experiment and see what happens but any suggestions will be gratefully received. Yes, I know of AdaCore's GPS but I prefer CodeLite.

Neil Darlow
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Re: Using CodeLite to build and debug Ada code?

Post by eranif »

Hi Neil,
You could use the 'File System workspace' to work with Ada.
This type of workspace provide you a complete control on what to run and how to compile. ( I am not sure which version of CodeLite you are using)
You will need to add syntax highlight (IIRC, this is not supported atm)
For code completion, I guess that you can probably utilize CodeLite's Language Server Protocol plugin - which can hooks to any LSP.
Quick google showed this:

For more information: ... uageServer ... mWorkspace

Make sure you have read the HOW TO POST thread
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