Formatter Options: Class indentation

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Formatter Options: Class indentation

Post by KernelPanic »

Hello and thanks for your IDE!
I have some problems with Code Formatter options.
In the Custom tab of options window I tried to set indentations for Class and Case, but them both set the Case indentation without effecting on the class indentation.
I think that Class indentation must to indent class sections like public, protected, etc. Am I wrong?

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Re: Formatter Options: Class indentation

Post by eranif »

Hi Alex,

Indeed it was a bug where 'indent class' was mixed with 'indent case'

This is now fixed in SVN trunk

Make sure you have read the HOW TO POST thread
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Re: Formatter Options: Class indentation

Post by KernelPanic »

Hi, Eran,
thank you for answer.
I'll wait for a new version for this feature.

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