Coloring missed

Post here any ideas/problems/suggestions you have regarding CodeLite's CodeFormatter (AStyle) plugin
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Coloring missed

Post by mlotfy »

Hi Eran
Thank you for you great IDE. I helped my so much doing apart from MSVC since i don't like to be linked to Microsoft.
Is there any way to colorize user defined keywords (e.g. class names, enums, structs, typedef, ...).
I've tried to add to keyword set, but with no result in both coloring or intelliecense.
Mohamed Lotfy
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Re: Coloring missed

Post by eranif »

mlotfy wrote:Is there any way to colorize user defined keywords (e.g. class names, enums, structs, typedef, ...).
Yes there is a way but you were looking at the wrong place ;)

From the main menu: Settings | Tags Settings

Now, I am not sure which version of codelite do you have, but under my version of codelite there is a tab named 'Colouring' and under it there is an option:
'Color workspace tags', once enabled you will be able to define what codelite will color

Note that due to scintilla limitations (the editing control used by codelite), you can choose only one color.
To select that color:
Settings | Syntax highlight and fonts | C++
and modify the option 'Workspace tags'

Make sure you have read the HOW TO POST thread
CodeLite Curious
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Re: Coloring missed

Post by mlotfy »

Dear Eran
Thank you for fast reply. The options you mentioned is existed in my version (ver. 2.8.0) and I activated it, but it's not working !!!.
The selected workspaces still appear in black.

Mohamed Lotfy
CodeLite Curious
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Re: Coloring missed

Post by mlotfy »

Dear Eran
I noticed that it's working but with some un-expected behavior when selecting either typedef or macro as workspace to be colored. Hoping fix it in the coming release.
Mohamed Lotfy
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