can clang-formatter add an option of SortIncludes?

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can clang-formatter add an option of SortIncludes?

Post by xiaomajia52 »

when i coding windows program,the auto sort will sort the headers like this

#include <comdlg32.h>//1
#include <windows.h>//2

this is wrong because the windows.h must be put at first,comdlg32 require some define in windows.h.
and now ,i export a .clang-format file and put SortIncludes: false in this file,
i hope this feature can be chosed in the list

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Re: can clang-formatter add an option of SortIncludes?

Post by eranif »

if you dont want clang-format to sort things for you, wrap your code with

Code: Select all

// clang-format off
// clang-format on
Make sure you have read the HOW TO POST thread
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Re: can clang-formatter add an option of SortIncludes?

Post by Jarod42 »

Normally, you can separate group of headers with space (extra line),
so each group is sorted alphabetically.

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