When posting a question / bug put in mind the following:
To reduce the number of iteration in the forum, always state the following:
Your CodeLite version
Is it a self compiled version of CodeLite ?
Your OS
Compiler version
PLEASE USE CODE TAGS WHEN POSTING CODE SNIPPETS / BUILD OUTPUT et al, otherwise code snippets/logs are hard to read
1) If it is a 'Debugger' related bug, make sure to also post:
The full debugger log - enable the 'full debugger logging' option, reproduce your problem and paste the output from the 'Debugger' view ("Output" tab) window to your post (from settings -> GDB settings -> GNU gdb debugger -> misc -> enable full debugger logging)
Your GDB version
2) If it is a Build problem (link error, compilation error, can't find include files, can't execute my program etc.):
The *full* 'Build' window output - do not paste portion of the build window output. Its better posting the entire build window output rather than what YOU think is the problem
3) Code Completion related post:
Make sure you have language server setup correctly. Consult with docs if needed
C++ code completion works after build (at least once)
Make sure you have a workspace (code completion requires a workspace)
A minimal code snippet that allows reproducing the problem