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Ubuntu 9.10 Installing Lua for use with Codelite

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 9:26 pm
by Superchiken
So I'm not exactly one whose familiar with codelite, C++, or Ubuntu linux, but I needed a program to write and learn Lua in. I played around with things in codelite while following a tutorial that tells you how to make a simple program in Lua, and according to codelite's compiling software, I cannot #include <lua.h> or any Lua file for that matter. I figured that it came with Lua preinstalled, but it apparently did not. So I tried to download and install the Lua source and binaries from, and unfortunately I was not allowed to place the #include files in the usr/include/ folder on ubuntu. So I tried to follow the instructions, but it cannot complete make-ing or make install-ing the files. Is there an easier way to install the source and binaries properly?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Ubuntu 9.10 Installing Lua for use with Codelite

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 10:50 pm
by eranif
Superchiken wrote:So I tried to follow the instructions, but it cannot complete make-ing or make install-ing the files. Is there an easier way to install the source and binaries properly?
This is the wrong forum for your question. You should try and consult the people of Lua for how to properly install and use it.


Re: Ubuntu 9.10 Installing Lua for use with Codelite

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 12:14 am
by DavidGH
I was not allowed to place the #include files in the usr/include/ folder on ubuntu. So I tried to follow the instructions, but it cannot complete make-ing or make install-ing the files.
Since you mentioned that you're new to Ubuntu, just to remind you that you need to do: sudo make install

