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New user

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 5:08 pm
by Krister

I'm a new user. I intend to read the manuals and learn CodeLite. However right now I'm in a bind. For reasons which will take too long to explain I need to open and read a .bin file today.

The binary file is meant to be flashed on to an ESP8266MOD chip. I need to read the original C or C++ code which was used. Again, I know it sounds strange but I really need to give look at the code today/tonight.

May I humbly ask for your help with this?
Sincerely yours

If it helps you I attached the original binary file here. The forum wouldn't accept the .bin file extension so I changed it to .txt. To get the original .bin file just change the extension back to .bin.

Re: New user

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 7:25 pm
by DavidGH

At least one of us is confused about this question. CodeLite is an IDE; that is, it's primarily a program that helps you read and write text-files (the text will be the source-code that you wish to compile). An IDE is not designed to read binary files. The only slightly-relevant thing it can do is to run the program in a debugger, pause it and then look at the disassembler output e.g. (not your program)
As you can see, that's not C++.
I need to read the original C or C++ code which was used.
Converting machine code back to the original C/C++ is ... non-trivial ;) Your only sensible choice is to ask the owner for a sight of the source-code.
However, FWIW, I downloaded your .bin file and checked it with 'file', which reported:
DOS executable (COM)

I don't know if you have access to a Linux box, so I also did 'strings' for you, which found the attached strings.
That may or may not be helpful, depending on why you needed to see the source-code.

