make: nothing to be done for 'all'
Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 10:44 pm
I'm having an issue trying to build a simple hello world program. The code is just main.cpp:
However when I do a build and run the Build tab just says
Which would be expected if my program had just been built before and no changes had happened since. However that should mean that the code I have as written should be running. Unfortunately the command prompt window that shows up just says
No mention of "hello world"
After hitting enter on the command prompt the CodeLite's Output tab shows:
So make is telling me there's nothing to be done even though it's not keeping up to date with my code. That sounds like there's a problem with the makefile. The file being called in the make command is Sandbox2\Makefile:
This in turn references Sandbox2\hello\
Now I'm not great at reading makefiles, so I'm not really sure how correct that is. All I know is that it's not causing make to issue compiler calls. I also know that CodeLite is supposed to be generating makefiles that cause this project to be built using its builtin generator.
My compiler is clang 4.2.1, which I downloaded an installer for from the LLVM website (i.e. not self compiled)
My operating system is Windown 10
My build system is mingw32-make.exe from MinGW
I've got my makefile generator set to Default, which CodeLite says will make it use its builtin makefile generator.
My codelite version says 10.0.1, which I downloaded an installer for from the CodeLite website (i.e. not self compiled)
Any help getting this hello world will be much appreciated!
I'm having an issue trying to build a simple hello world program. The code is just main.cpp:
Code: Select all
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
std::cout << "Hello World" << std::endl;
return 0;
Code: Select all
C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /C C:/MinGW/bin/mingw32-make.exe -j12 SHELL=cmd.exe -e -f Makefile
"----------Building project:[ hello - Debug ]----------"
mingw32-make.exe[1]: Entering directory 'C:/Users/TELun/Documents/Sandbox2/hello'
mingw32-make.exe[1]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
mingw32-make.exe[1]: Leaving directory 'C:/Users/TELun/Documents/Sandbox2/hello'
====0 errors, 0 warnings====
Code: Select all
Press any key to continue.
After hitting enter on the command prompt the CodeLite's Output tab shows:
Code: Select all
Current working directory: C:\Users\TELun\Documents\Sandbox2\hello\Debug
Running program: le_exec.exe C:\Users\TELun\Documents\Sandbox2\cmake-build-Debug\output\hello
Program exited with return code: 0
Code: Select all
.PHONY: clean All
@echo "----------Building project:[ hello - Debug ]----------"
@cd "hello" && "$(MAKE)" -f ""
@echo "----------Cleaning project:[ hello - Debug ]----------"
@cd "hello" && "$(MAKE)" -f "" clean
Code: Select all
## Auto Generated makefile by CodeLite IDE
## any manual changes will be erased
## Debug
ProjectName :=hello
ConfigurationName :=Debug
WorkspacePath :=C:/Users/TELun/Documents/Sandbox2
ProjectPath :=C:/Users/TELun/Documents/Sandbox2/hello
IntermediateDirectory :=./Debug
OutDir := $(IntermediateDirectory)
CurrentFileName :=
CurrentFilePath :=
CurrentFileFullPath :=
User :=TELun
Date :=10/02/2018
CodeLitePath :="C:/Program Files/CodeLite"
LinkerName :="C:/Program Files/LLVM/bin/clang++.exe"
SharedObjectLinkerName :="C:/Program Files/LLVM/bin/clang++.exe" -shared -fPIC
ObjectSuffix :=.o
DependSuffix :=.o.d
PreprocessSuffix :=.i
DebugSwitch :=-g
IncludeSwitch :=-I
LibrarySwitch :=-l
OutputSwitch :=-o
LibraryPathSwitch :=-L
PreprocessorSwitch :=-D
SourceSwitch :=-c
OutputFile :=
Preprocessors :=
ObjectSwitch :=-o
ArchiveOutputSwitch :=
PreprocessOnlySwitch :=-E
ObjectsFileList :="hello.txt"
PCHCompileFlags :=
MakeDirCommand :=makedir
RcCmpOptions :=
RcCompilerName :=C:/MinGW/bin/windres.exe
LinkOptions :=
IncludePath := $(IncludeSwitch). $(IncludeSwitch).
IncludePCH :=
RcIncludePath :=
Libs :=
ArLibs :=
LibPath := $(LibraryPathSwitch).
## Common variables
## AR, CXX, CC, AS, CXXFLAGS and CFLAGS can be overriden using an environment variables
AR := "C:/Program Files/LLVM/bin/llvm-ar.exe" rcu
CXX := "C:/Program Files/LLVM/bin/clang++.exe"
CC := "C:/Program Files/LLVM/bin/clang.exe"
CXXFLAGS := -Wmain -v -g -O0 -std=c++11 -Wall $(Preprocessors)
CFLAGS := -g -O0 -Wall $(Preprocessors)
AS := "C:/Program Files/LLVM/bin/as.exe"
## User defined environment variables
CodeLiteDir:=C:\Program Files\CodeLite
## Main Build Targets
.PHONY: all clean PreBuild PrePreBuild PostBuild MakeIntermediateDirs
all: $(OutputFile)
$(OutputFile): $(IntermediateDirectory)/.d $(Objects)
@$(MakeDirCommand) $(@D)
@echo "" > $(IntermediateDirectory)/.d
@echo $(Objects0) > $(ObjectsFileList)
$(LinkerName) $(OutputSwitch)$(OutputFile) @$(ObjectsFileList) $(LibPath) $(Libs) $(LinkOptions)
@$(MakeDirCommand) "./Debug"
@$(MakeDirCommand) "./Debug"
## Objects
$(IntermediateDirectory)/main.cpp$(ObjectSuffix): main.cpp $(IntermediateDirectory)/main.cpp$(DependSuffix)
$(CXX) $(IncludePCH) $(SourceSwitch) "C:/Users/TELun/Documents/Sandbox2/hello/main.cpp" $(CXXFLAGS) $(ObjectSwitch)$(IntermediateDirectory)/main.cpp$(ObjectSuffix) $(IncludePath)
$(IntermediateDirectory)/main.cpp$(DependSuffix): main.cpp
@$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(IncludePCH) $(IncludePath) -MG -MP -MT$(IntermediateDirectory)/main.cpp$(ObjectSuffix) -MF$(IntermediateDirectory)/main.cpp$(DependSuffix) -MM main.cpp
$(IntermediateDirectory)/main.cpp$(PreprocessSuffix): main.cpp
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(IncludePCH) $(IncludePath) $(PreprocessOnlySwitch) $(OutputSwitch) $(IntermediateDirectory)/main.cpp$(PreprocessSuffix) main.cpp
-include $(IntermediateDirectory)/*$(DependSuffix)
## Clean
$(RM) -r ./Debug/
My compiler is clang 4.2.1, which I downloaded an installer for from the LLVM website (i.e. not self compiled)
My operating system is Windown 10
My build system is mingw32-make.exe from MinGW
I've got my makefile generator set to Default, which CodeLite says will make it use its builtin makefile generator.
My codelite version says 10.0.1, which I downloaded an installer for from the CodeLite website (i.e. not self compiled)
Any help getting this hello world will be much appreciated!