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Windows StackHash error

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 8:49 am
by nirajkagarwal93
Recently, CodeLite seems to have a problem running in Windows 7. I have noticed that there occurs a stackhash error while using CodeLite. I am not sure what triggers this, but I have been facing this issue from the past 2-3 days. Earlier I wasn't using it much so didn't find any error. Looks like on a prolonged use it results in this.
There has been performance issue on Windows 7 too. It takes a great deal of time to compile any program.
I am using a Windows 7 - 64bit Ultimate OS, with 6 GB of RAM, Intel i5-4200U CPU @ 1.60GHz 2.30 GHz.

Re: Windows StackHash error

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 11:40 am
by eranif
I have noticed that there occurs a stackhash error while using CodeLite
I really don't know that does this means... I am using CodeLite on Windows 7 without a problems (I keep it running for days...)
It takes a great deal of time to compile any program
CodeLite does not compile your program, but it invokes the compiler to do that, so the problem is somewhere else.

You forgot to mention your CodeLite version.

However, try reinstalling CodeLite:

* Download the latest CodeLite available (9.1.8)
* Close any running instances of CodeLite
* Rename the folder %appdata%\CodeLite to something else
* Install CodeLite
