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Hint/autocomplete thing stays too long on the screen

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 9:10 pm
by Jan148
So, I'm studying computer sciences and we've just started learning C. The editor we're using is Codelite 5.4 (the instructor asked us explicitly to not update to a newer version). It's been a lot of fun but there's been this one thing that Codelite does that is really getting on my nerves. When I type some code, there's often a kind of hint/autocomplete thing that pops on the screen and that does not want to go away, even preventing navigation with the arrow keys. So, how do I get this away? I made a screenshot for more clarification, it's the grey box that says 'const *char, ...'.

Thanks for your help!

Re: Hint/autocomplete thing stays too long on the screen

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 9:50 pm
by eranif
5.4 is very old and we don't support it anymore.
Please upgrade to 9.1


Re: Hint/autocomplete thing stays too long on the screen

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 10:06 pm
by Jan148
eranif wrote:5.4 is very old and we don't support it anymore.
Please upgrade to 9.1

As I stated in the opening post, our instructor asked to NOT update... is there any way to get this thing away? It might just be something in the options menu that I overlooked?

Re: Hint/autocomplete thing stays too long on the screen

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 11:06 pm
by DavidGH

There was indeed an annoying issue with tooltips a few years ago. IIRC it was fixed in code, or maybe even in wxWidgets code; but that's no help to you unless you do update.

One way to avoid the particular tip that you show is to turn them off; nowadays that's in Setting > Code Completion > Display type info tooltips, but you may find it elsewhere in 5.4.

When I did get a sticky tooltip, I found it sometimes went away if I switched briefly to a different virtual desktop. YMMV of course.



Re: Hint/autocomplete thing stays too long on the screen

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 11:19 pm
by Jan148
DavidGH wrote:Hi,

There was indeed an annoying issue with tooltips a few years ago. IIRC it was fixed in code, or maybe even in wxWidgets code; but that's no help to you unless you do update.

One way to avoid the particular tip that you show is to turn them off; nowadays that's in Setting > Code Completion > Display type info tooltips, but you may find it elsewhere in 5.4.

When I did get a sticky tooltip, I found it sometimes went away if I switched briefly to a different virtual desktop. YMMV of course.


I can't find anything about code completion in the options :cry:
I guess that means I'll have to try and live with it, or try to update anyway despite the instructor asking not to. Thanks for your help anyway.

Re: Hint/autocomplete thing stays too long on the screen

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 1:31 am
by DavidGH
I can't find anything about code completion in the options
I just warmed up an old ubuntu lucid virtualbox guest. In that it was in Settings > Tags settings > Display and behaviour.
or try to update anyway despite the instructor asking not to.
Perhaps you could update your instructor ;)

Re: Hint/autocomplete thing stays too long on the screen

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 4:03 pm
by Jan148
DavidGH wrote:
I can't find anything about code completion in the options
I just warmed up an old ubuntu lucid virtualbox guest. In that it was in Settings > Tags settings > Display and behaviour.
or try to update anyway despite the instructor asking not to.
Perhaps you could update your instructor ;)
Thank you so much! Somehow overlooked that but those annoying popup boxes are now gone :)
And yes, perhaps I should do that :D