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Run (Ctrl F5) confused by utf-8(?) args; Linux

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 12:28 am
by felixs
CodeLite 5.2, Linux

Runargs with german special-chars (ö and others, Project Settings / Program Arguments: Flöte) brings up a blanc xterm with shell-prompt (user@host:~/TestProject/HelloWorld/Debug> ) instead the running program (via codelite_xterm/codelite_exec).

CodeLines Output-Tab:

Code: Select all

Running program: /usr/bin/codelite_xterm './HelloWorld Flöte' '/bin/sh -f /usr/bin/codelite_exec ./HelloWorld Flöte'


( Console-/XTerm-Output printf( "hello Flöte\n" ); works fine (LANG=en_US.UTF-8) )