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Post by spaces »

Ah finally catched this thing!

I haven't found anything about this.

So this .d files causing a lot of compilation time for me. I have a few projects in the same directory. Their object files are put into ./Release, but of course the .d files are overwritten when one is build. So where can I set that these .d files have a project unique names?

For a quick hack I set the object output dir to ./Release/Projectname for every projects.
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Re: .d

Post by eranif »

When used properly, the ".d" will save you time.

From what I understand all your projects are placing the object files into the same directory - this is a bad idea.
What you call a "hack" is the proper usage of projects. Each project should place its object in its own directory.

Another example for why you want to maintain different directory: If you have the option "Settings | Build Settings | Build Systems | Use asterisk for the clean targets" enabled, codelite will perform
rm -f *.o from the intermediate directory - which basically clean all your *workspace*

Make sure you have read the HOW TO POST thread
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Re: .d

Post by spaces »

Yes it makes sense to keep projects separate but not in this case.

These are dynamic linked libraries which have at least 4 files in common and in some cases even more. So that's why I want to keep them in one place. Basically we are talking about 5 dlls. I have inherited them from more then 10 years ago and I don't really feel the strength to bomb them apart. :D

Thanks for your answers!
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