installation issue in RH LINUX 5 svr
Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 8:02 pm
Hi, guys,
I am new in Linux RedHad development. Tried the codelite install, always failed for some reason.
it says, dependencies wxWidges needed. Even I installed the latested version of wx 2.9.x , and tested wx-config, it says the version correctly. try the rpm (3.0) of code lite, still complain the dependencies needed. any idea ?
Also, which package i shall use to install to RH Linux 5 ? I use fc 86_64 version, though i have no idea what is fc means . Any one can explain which version is for which platform ?
thanks a lot !
I am new in Linux RedHad development. Tried the codelite install, always failed for some reason.
it says, dependencies wxWidges needed. Even I installed the latested version of wx 2.9.x , and tested wx-config, it says the version correctly. try the rpm (3.0) of code lite, still complain the dependencies needed. any idea ?
Also, which package i shall use to install to RH Linux 5 ? I use fc 86_64 version, though i have no idea what is fc means . Any one can explain which version is for which platform ?
thanks a lot !