Segmentation Fault on Ubuntu 64-bit

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CodeLite Curious
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Segmentation Fault on Ubuntu 64-bit

Post by someone13 »

Hey guys,
When I was able to use it, CodeLite was great! Now what happened between two hours ago and now, is another question. All I know is, I closed it, played some StarCraft, opened it back up and now it's showing CodeLite starting up with a grey window underneath it, with the grand finale being both windows closing in harmony (in the console it says Segmentation fault). In the crash.log file all it says is the time it crashed at.

Now, the thing is, I can start up CodeLite when the option "Load Last Session on restart" is unchecked. When I go to open up my workspace manually it opens up just fine. Now whenever I try to edit any .cpp file in the workspace, it crashes like there's no tomorrow (with the Segmentation Fault).

My System Specs:
Processor - Intel Dual Core 2 - 2.2Ghz
RAM - 1.5G
Video Card - NVIDIA 7600 Go
Video Card Drivers - NVIDIA Restricted Driver Version: 173.14.05
Operating System - Ubuntu Hardy 64-bit
Using Dual Monitors with TwinView

My CodeLite Version:
Grabbed from SVN today (7/3/2008) and compiled according to the instructions on the CodeLite Wiki.

Thanks for your time!

Here's an extra bit of info: Whenever I open a new file and start typing, it crashes. Hope that helps. Thanks again.
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Re: Segmentation Fault on Ubuntu 64-bit

Post by eranif »


Can u remove ~/.codelite and start it again?

Make sure you have read the HOW TO POST thread
CodeLite Curious
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Re: Segmentation Fault on Ubuntu 64-bit

Post by someone13 »

Interesting...Yeah, now that I did that it works fine. Everything was reset obviously.

So I did a little more sleuthing around and as it turns out the file ~/.codelite/config/plugins.xml was the one giving me grief. If I move that file elsewhere, CodeLite starts up just fine.

The funny thing is, I didn't install any plugins, nor did I screw around with any of the default plugins. Hell, I even disabled all the plugins trying to get it working.

Thanks for the help, man.

Here's my problematic plugins.xml file, in case you wanna check it out:

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <ArchiveObject Name="plugins_data">
    <long Value="6" Name="count"/>
    <SerializedObject Name="plugin_info0">
      <bool Value="1" Name="enabled"/>
      <wxString Value="CodeFormatter" Name="name"/>
      <wxString Value="Eran Ifrah" Name="author"/>
      <wxString Value="Source Code Formatter based on the open source AStyle tool" Name="description"/>
      <wxString Value="v1.0" Name="version"/>
    <SerializedObject Name="plugin_info1">
      <bool Value="0" Name="enabled"/>
      <wxString Value="Copyright" Name="name"/>
      <wxString Value="Someone13" Name="author"/>
      <wxString Value="Copyright Plugin - a small plugin that allows you to place copyright block on top of your source files" Name="description"/>
      <wxString Value="v1.0" Name="version"/>
    <SerializedObject Name="plugin_info2">
      <bool Value="1" Name="enabled"/>
      <wxString Value="Gizmos" Name="name"/>
      <wxString Value="Eran Ifrah" Name="author"/>
      <wxString Value="Gizmos Plugin - a collection of useful wizards for C++:
new Class Wizard, new wxWidgets Wizard, new Plugin Wizard" Name="description"/>
      <wxString Value="v1.0" Name="version"/>
    <SerializedObject Name="plugin_info3">
      <bool Value="0" Name="enabled"/>
      <wxString Value="Svn" Name="name"/>
      <wxString Value="Eran Ifrah" Name="author"/>
      <wxString Value="Subversion - integration of the subversion command line tool" Name="description"/>
      <wxString Value="v1.0" Name="version"/>
    <SerializedObject Name="plugin_info4">
      <bool Value="1" Name="enabled"/>
      <wxString Value="UnitTestPP" Name="name"/>
      <wxString Value="Someone13" Name="author"/>
      <wxString Value="A Unit test plugin based on the UnitTest++ framework" Name="description"/>
      <wxString Value="v1.0" Name="version"/>
    <SerializedObject Name="plugin_info5">
      <bool Value="1" Name="enabled"/>
      <wxString Value="cscope" Name="name"/>
      <wxString Value="Eran Ifrah" Name="author"/>
      <wxString Value="Cscope Integration for CodeLite" Name="description"/>
      <wxString Value="v1.0" Name="version"/>
CodeLite Curious
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Re: Segmentation Fault on Ubuntu 64-bit

Post by someone13 »

Check it out, I just figured out what the problem is.

Whenever, I click Manage Plugins then disable the SVN plugin. I'll close CodeLite, then on the next start-up the program will crash with the error I described in my first post. It generates the bad plugins.xml file above.

This error can be fixed by either:
A) Do not think about disabling/enabling plugins
B) Deleting the incorrect plugins.xml file

Thanks again, man.
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Re: Segmentation Fault on Ubuntu 64-bit

Post by eranif »

no problem, thanks for reporting this error, I will try to reproduce it and fix it.

Make sure you have read the HOW TO POST thread
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