Debugger error: could not launch terminal for debugger

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Debugger error: could not launch terminal for debugger

Post by derkomai »

Hi everyone. I'm using CodeLite 9.2.0 over elementary OS 0.4 Loki (based on Ubuntu 16.04) and I seem unable to make the debugger work since updated to this version of CodeLite. Even for the simplest project: I create a new project on the workspace and try to debug the Hello World basic example that is included in it. Once I launch the debugger, ColdeLite seems not to respond for several seconds and then I get the message "could not launch terminal for debugger". The code can be build and run without any issue, but not the debugger. I can even debug with gdb (version 7.11.1) from terminal.

So far I've tried enabling the debugger log with no result and checked that the -g option is added in the debug configuration as seen here: ... n-codelite.

Anyone can point me in the right direction? Thank you.

Edit: I've also noticed that the keyboard shortcut I've assigned to "start debuger" is not working. Every other shortcut I configured work flawlessly.
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Re: Debugger error: could not launch terminal for debugger

Post by DavidGH »

I seem unable to make the debugger work since updated to this version of CodeLite
Which version were you previous using?

The common reason for this is not having a suitable terminal installed e.g. konsole or xterm. Try installing xterm if it isn't already.


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Re: Debugger error: could not launch terminal for debugger

Post by derkomai »

I'm not entirely sure but I think it was 9.1 or 9.0. But i fresh installed my OS so I downloaded the latest stable. Xterm is already installed. Any recommendation on which console should I be using in Settings->Preferences->Terminal? I've tried both Codelite built in terminal emulator and codelite_xterm.
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Re: Debugger error: could not launch terminal for debugger

Post by DavidGH »

But i fresh installed my OS
I see, so it's more likely to be that than the CodeLite version change.
which console should I be using in Settings->Preferences->Terminal?
IIRC that's to do with running your program in a terminal, not debugging it.

I suspect that Loki's default terminal is one that will not work in this situation. To find out what it is, please post the output of doing, in a terminal:
sudo update-alternatives --config x-terminal-emulator

If that is not set to xterm, try following the instructions to change it. While xterm isn't my favourite terminal, it's known to work here.
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Re: Debugger error: could not launch terminal for debugger

Post by derkomai »

I think you nailed it!
The output for "sudo update-alternatives --config x-terminal-emulator" is:

Selección Ruta Prioridad Estado
* 0 /usr/lib/user-specific-alternatives/user-specific-alternatives 500 modo automático
1 /usr/bin/koi8rxterm 20 modo manual
2 /usr/bin/lxterm 30 modo manual
3 /usr/bin/pantheon-terminal 35 modo manual
4 /usr/bin/uxterm 20 modo manual
5 /usr/bin/xterm 20 modo manual
6 /usr/lib/user-specific-alternatives/user-specific-alternatives 500 modo manual

It was set as indicated. Once I set it to xterm, the debugger started working. Thank you!
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Re: Debugger error: could not launch terminal for debugger

Post by Xin »

I have the same problem with Kubuntu 16.04 and KDE:

I previously used the version delivered with ubuntu. After that I downloaded the weekly build today which version is 9.2.5.

Code: Select all

xin@trinity:~$ sudo update-alternatives --config x-terminal-emulator
Es gibt 6 Auswahlmöglichkeiten für die Alternative x-terminal-emulator (welche /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator bereitstellen).                                                                                                                    
  Auswahl      Pfad                             Priorität Status
  0            /usr/bin/konsole                  40        automatischer Modus
  1            /usr/bin/gnome-terminal.wrapper   40        manueller Modus
  2            /usr/bin/koi8rxterm               20        manueller Modus
* 3            /usr/bin/konsole                  40        manueller Modus
  4            /usr/bin/lxterm                   30        manueller Modus
  5            /usr/bin/uxterm                   20        manueller Modus
  6            /usr/bin/xterm                    20        manueller Modus
Drücken Sie die Eingabetaste, um die aktuelle Wahl[*] beizubehalten,
oder geben Sie die Auswahlnummer ein: 6
update-alternatives: /usr/bin/xterm wird verwendet, um /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator (x-terminal-emulator) im manuellen Modus bereitzustellen     
Using xterm helps me to start the debugger.
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