problem when CodeLite compiles wxHelloWorld
- CodeLite Curious
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problem when CodeLite compiles wxHelloWorld
when i compile my first wxprogamm,i meet the problem:
C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c "mingw32-make.exe -j 4 -e -f "" all"
----------Building project:[ wxHelloWorld - Debug ]----------
'mingw32-make.exe' ²»ÊÇÄÚ²¿»òÍⲿÃüÁҲ²»ÊÇ¿ÉÔËÐеijÌÐò
0 errors, 0 warnings
Can anybody give a tip,thanks!
C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c "mingw32-make.exe -j 4 -e -f "" all"
----------Building project:[ wxHelloWorld - Debug ]----------
'mingw32-make.exe' ²»ÊÇÄÚ²¿»òÍⲿÃüÁҲ²»ÊÇ¿ÉÔËÐеijÌÐò
0 errors, 0 warnings
Can anybody give a tip,thanks!
- eranif
- CodeLite Plugin
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Re: problem when CodeLite compiles wxHelloWorld
Well, its hard to tell without being able to read Chinese
Try changing gcc locale by doing the following:
From within codeite's main menu go to:
Settings -> Environment variables
and add the following line:
Recompile your code and paste it again here (it should be in English this time)
Try changing gcc locale by doing the following:
From within codeite's main menu go to:
Settings -> Environment variables
and add the following line:
Code: Select all
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- CodeLite Curious
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Re: problem when CodeLite compiles wxHelloWorld
well,i have done as your guide,but the output is still the same:
C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c "mingw32-make.exe -j 4 -e -f Makefile"
'mingw32-make.exe' ²»ÊÇÄÚ²¿»òÍⲿÃüÁҲ²»ÊÇ¿ÉÔËÐеijÌÐò
0 errors, 0 warnings
i do not understand what does the unreadable code(ÊÇÄÚ²¿»òÍⲿÃüÁҲ²»ÊÇ¿ÉÔËÐеijÌÐò
»òÅú´¦ÀíÎļþ¡£) mean
C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c "mingw32-make.exe -j 4 -e -f Makefile"
'mingw32-make.exe' ²»ÊÇÄÚ²¿»òÍⲿÃüÁҲ²»ÊÇ¿ÉÔËÐеijÌÐò
0 errors, 0 warnings
i do not understand what does the unreadable code(ÊÇÄÚ²¿»òÍⲿÃüÁҲ²»ÊÇ¿ÉÔËÐеijÌÐò
»òÅú´¦ÀíÎļþ¡£) mean
eranif wrote:Well, its hard to tell without being able to read Chinese
Try changing gcc locale by doing the following:
From within codeite's main menu go to:
Settings -> Environment variables
and add the following line:
Recompile your code and paste it again here (it should be in English this time)Code: Select all
- eranif
- CodeLite Plugin
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Re: problem when CodeLite compiles wxHelloWorld
Try running the command from a CMD.EXE shell:
Code: Select all
C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c "mingw32-make.exe -j 4 -e -f "" all"
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- CodeLite Curious
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Re: problem when CodeLite compiles wxHelloWorld
eranif wrote:Try running the command from a CMD.EXE shell:
EranCode: Select all
C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c "mingw32-make.exe -j 4 -e -f "" all"
I tried,the result as following:
Microsoft Windows [版本 6.1.7600]
版权所有 (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation。保留所有权利。
D:\>cd CodeLiteProj
D:\CodeLiteProj>cd wxHelloWorld
D:\CodeLiteProj\wxHelloWorld>C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c "mingw32-make.exe -j
4 -e -f "" all" *** empty variable name. Stop.
- eranif
- CodeLite Plugin
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Re: problem when CodeLite compiles wxHelloWorld
Seems like some issue with displaying locales in codelite's output pane
However, can you please attach the file to this post?
However, can you please attach the file to this post?
Code: Select all *** empty variable name. Stop.
Make sure you have read the HOW TO POST thread
- CodeLite Curious
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Re: problem when CodeLite compiles wxHelloWorld
eranif wrote:Seems like some issue with displaying locales in codelite's output pane
However, can you please attach the file to this post?EranCode: Select all *** empty variable name. Stop.
OK,as following!
Code: Select all
## Auto Generated makefile by CodeLite IDE
## any manual changes will be erased
## Debug
ProjectName :=wxHelloWorld
ConfigurationName :=Debug
WorkspacePath := "D:\CodeLiteProj\wxHelloWorld"
ProjectPath := "D:\CodeLiteProj\wxHelloWorld"
IntermediateDirectory :=./Debug
OutDir := $(IntermediateDirectory)
CurrentFileName :=
CurrentFilePath :=
CurrentFileFullPath :=
User :=yangmeng
Date :=12/29/2013
CodeLitePath :="C:\Program Files\CodeLite"
LinkerName :=g++
SharedObjectLinkerName :=g++ -shared -fPIC
ObjectSuffix :=.o
DependSuffix :=.o.d
PreprocessSuffix :=.o.i
DebugSwitch :=-gstab
IncludeSwitch :=-I
LibrarySwitch :=-l
OutputSwitch :=-o
LibraryPathSwitch :=-L
PreprocessorSwitch :=-D
SourceSwitch :=-c
OutputFile :=$(IntermediateDirectory)/$(ProjectName)
Preprocessors :=
ObjectSwitch :=-o
ArchiveOutputSwitch :=
PreprocessOnlySwitch :=-E
ObjectsFileList :="wxHelloWorld.txt"
PCHCompileFlags :=
MakeDirCommand :=makedir
RcCmpOptions := $(shell wx-config --rcflags)
RcCompilerName :=windres
LinkOptions := $(shell wx-config --libs --debug) -mwindows
IncludePath := $(IncludeSwitch). $(IncludeSwitch).
IncludePCH :=
RcIncludePath :=
Libs :=
ArLibs :=
LibPath := $(LibraryPathSwitch).
## Common variables
## AR, CXX, CC, AS, CXXFLAGS and CFLAGS can be overriden using an environment variables
AR := ar rcus
CXX := g++
CC := gcc
CXXFLAGS := -g -O0 -Wall $(shell wx-config --cflags --debug) $(Preprocessors)
CFLAGS := -g -O0 -Wall $(Preprocessors)
AS := as
## User defined environment variables
CodeLiteDir:=C:\Program Files\CodeLite
C:\Program Files\CodeLite\MinGW-4.7.1\bin:=
Objects0=$(IntermediateDirectory)/main$(ObjectSuffix) $(IntermediateDirectory)/wxcrafter$(ObjectSuffix) $(IntermediateDirectory)/wxcrafter_bitmaps$(ObjectSuffix) $(IntermediateDirectory)/MainDialog$(ObjectSuffix) $(IntermediateDirectory)/win_resources.rc$(ObjectSuffix)
## Main Build Targets
.PHONY: all clean PreBuild PrePreBuild PostBuild
all: $(OutputFile)
$(OutputFile): $(IntermediateDirectory)/.d $(Objects)
@$(MakeDirCommand) $(@D)
@echo "" > $(IntermediateDirectory)/.d
@echo $(Objects0) > $(ObjectsFileList)
$(LinkerName) $(OutputSwitch)$(OutputFile) @$(ObjectsFileList) $(LibPath) $(Libs) $(LinkOptions)
@$(MakeDirCommand) "./Debug"
## Objects
$(IntermediateDirectory)/main$(ObjectSuffix): main.cpp $(IntermediateDirectory)/main$(DependSuffix)
$(CXX) $(IncludePCH) $(SourceSwitch) "D:/CodeLiteProj/wxHelloWorld/main.cpp" $(CXXFLAGS) $(ObjectSwitch)$(IntermediateDirectory)/main$(ObjectSuffix) $(IncludePath)
$(IntermediateDirectory)/main$(DependSuffix): main.cpp
@$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(IncludePCH) $(IncludePath) -MG -MP -MT$(IntermediateDirectory)/main$(ObjectSuffix) -MF$(IntermediateDirectory)/main$(DependSuffix) -MM "main.cpp"
$(IntermediateDirectory)/main$(PreprocessSuffix): main.cpp
@$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(IncludePCH) $(IncludePath) $(PreprocessOnlySwitch) $(OutputSwitch) $(IntermediateDirectory)/main$(PreprocessSuffix) "main.cpp"
$(IntermediateDirectory)/wxcrafter$(ObjectSuffix): wxcrafter.cpp $(IntermediateDirectory)/wxcrafter$(DependSuffix)
$(CXX) $(IncludePCH) $(SourceSwitch) "D:/CodeLiteProj/wxHelloWorld/wxcrafter.cpp" $(CXXFLAGS) $(ObjectSwitch)$(IntermediateDirectory)/wxcrafter$(ObjectSuffix) $(IncludePath)
$(IntermediateDirectory)/wxcrafter$(DependSuffix): wxcrafter.cpp
@$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(IncludePCH) $(IncludePath) -MG -MP -MT$(IntermediateDirectory)/wxcrafter$(ObjectSuffix) -MF$(IntermediateDirectory)/wxcrafter$(DependSuffix) -MM "wxcrafter.cpp"
$(IntermediateDirectory)/wxcrafter$(PreprocessSuffix): wxcrafter.cpp
@$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(IncludePCH) $(IncludePath) $(PreprocessOnlySwitch) $(OutputSwitch) $(IntermediateDirectory)/wxcrafter$(PreprocessSuffix) "wxcrafter.cpp"
$(IntermediateDirectory)/wxcrafter_bitmaps$(ObjectSuffix): wxcrafter_bitmaps.cpp $(IntermediateDirectory)/wxcrafter_bitmaps$(DependSuffix)
$(CXX) $(IncludePCH) $(SourceSwitch) "D:/CodeLiteProj/wxHelloWorld/wxcrafter_bitmaps.cpp" $(CXXFLAGS) $(ObjectSwitch)$(IntermediateDirectory)/wxcrafter_bitmaps$(ObjectSuffix) $(IncludePath)
$(IntermediateDirectory)/wxcrafter_bitmaps$(DependSuffix): wxcrafter_bitmaps.cpp
@$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(IncludePCH) $(IncludePath) -MG -MP -MT$(IntermediateDirectory)/wxcrafter_bitmaps$(ObjectSuffix) -MF$(IntermediateDirectory)/wxcrafter_bitmaps$(DependSuffix) -MM "wxcrafter_bitmaps.cpp"
$(IntermediateDirectory)/wxcrafter_bitmaps$(PreprocessSuffix): wxcrafter_bitmaps.cpp
@$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(IncludePCH) $(IncludePath) $(PreprocessOnlySwitch) $(OutputSwitch) $(IntermediateDirectory)/wxcrafter_bitmaps$(PreprocessSuffix) "wxcrafter_bitmaps.cpp"
$(IntermediateDirectory)/MainDialog$(ObjectSuffix): MainDialog.cpp $(IntermediateDirectory)/MainDialog$(DependSuffix)
$(CXX) $(IncludePCH) $(SourceSwitch) "D:/CodeLiteProj/wxHelloWorld/MainDialog.cpp" $(CXXFLAGS) $(ObjectSwitch)$(IntermediateDirectory)/MainDialog$(ObjectSuffix) $(IncludePath)
$(IntermediateDirectory)/MainDialog$(DependSuffix): MainDialog.cpp
@$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(IncludePCH) $(IncludePath) -MG -MP -MT$(IntermediateDirectory)/MainDialog$(ObjectSuffix) -MF$(IntermediateDirectory)/MainDialog$(DependSuffix) -MM "MainDialog.cpp"
$(IntermediateDirectory)/MainDialog$(PreprocessSuffix): MainDialog.cpp
@$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(IncludePCH) $(IncludePath) $(PreprocessOnlySwitch) $(OutputSwitch) $(IntermediateDirectory)/MainDialog$(PreprocessSuffix) "MainDialog.cpp"
$(IntermediateDirectory)/win_resources.rc$(ObjectSuffix): win_resources.rc
$(RcCompilerName) -i "D:/CodeLiteProj/wxHelloWorld/win_resources.rc" $(RcCmpOptions) $(ObjectSwitch)$(IntermediateDirectory)/win_resources.rc$(ObjectSuffix) $(RcIncludePath)
-include $(IntermediateDirectory)/*$(DependSuffix)
## Clean
$(RM) $(IntermediateDirectory)/main$(ObjectSuffix)
$(RM) $(IntermediateDirectory)/main$(DependSuffix)
$(RM) $(IntermediateDirectory)/main$(PreprocessSuffix)
$(RM) $(IntermediateDirectory)/wxcrafter$(ObjectSuffix)
$(RM) $(IntermediateDirectory)/wxcrafter$(DependSuffix)
$(RM) $(IntermediateDirectory)/wxcrafter$(PreprocessSuffix)
$(RM) $(IntermediateDirectory)/wxcrafter_bitmaps$(ObjectSuffix)
$(RM) $(IntermediateDirectory)/wxcrafter_bitmaps$(DependSuffix)
$(RM) $(IntermediateDirectory)/wxcrafter_bitmaps$(PreprocessSuffix)
$(RM) $(IntermediateDirectory)/MainDialog$(ObjectSuffix)
$(RM) $(IntermediateDirectory)/MainDialog$(DependSuffix)
$(RM) $(IntermediateDirectory)/MainDialog$(PreprocessSuffix)
$(RM) $(IntermediateDirectory)/win_resources.rc$(ObjectSuffix)
$(RM) $(OutputFile)
$(RM) $(OutputFile).exe
$(RM) ".build-debug/wxHelloWorld"
- eranif
- CodeLite Plugin
- Posts: 6375
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Re: problem when CodeLite compiles wxHelloWorld
This line:
Is causing the makefile to misbehave. It is coming from:
Settings -> Environment Variables
If you want to add a folder to the PATH environment variable, add it properly, like this:
Code: Select all
C:\Program Files\CodeLite\MinGW-4.7.1\bin:=
Settings -> Environment Variables
If you want to add a folder to the PATH environment variable, add it properly, like this:
Code: Select all
PATH=$PATH;C:\Program Files\CodeLite\MinGW-4.7.1\bin
Make sure you have read the HOW TO POST thread
- CodeLite Curious
- Posts: 5
- Joined: Sat Dec 28, 2013 11:22 am
- Genuine User: Yes
- IDE Question: c++
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Re: problem when CodeLite compiles wxHelloWorld
eranif wrote:This line:
Is causing the makefile to misbehave. It is coming from:Code: Select all
C:\Program Files\CodeLite\MinGW-4.7.1\bin:=
Settings -> Environment Variables
If you want to add a folder to the PATH environment variable, add it properly, like this:EranCode: Select all
PATH=$PATH;C:\Program Files\CodeLite\MinGW-4.7.1\bin
Yes,i find the problem as you point out. at the same time i find wxwidgets' "include files" and library cannot put in the directory of "C:\Program Files",because the path include blank.
Now, my first wxwidgets program developed in CodeLite has run successfully,appreciate your help very much.
Good luck!