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Multiple patterns for err/warn

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 12:46 am
by jfouche
Hi Eran

I started to work on the support for multiple regex for errors / warnings. As written on the RoadMap page (which is impossible to find on the codelite web site... I found it on the forum), I would help you on this point, because I think it's the main problem of CodeLite actualy (but still very usable ;)). See you with a patch hopefully in a few time.

PS : the new CodeLite web site is cool... but a "search" area is really missing

Re: Multiple patterns for err/warn

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 1:05 am
by eranif
jfouche wrote:I started to work on the support for multiple regex for errors / warnings. As written on the RoadMap page (which is impossible to find on the codelite web site... I found it on the forum), I would help you on this point, because I think it's the main problem of CodeLite actualy (but still very usable ;)). See you with a patch hopefully in a few time.
Thank you! this will shorten the waiting for the next release.

I will add link to the RoadMap in the main page side bar, and I will also re-enable the search box


Re: Multiple patterns for err/warn

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 1:13 am
by eranif
jfouche wrote:PS : the new CodeLite web site is cool... but a "search" area is really missing
Web site is fixed. I also added quick link on the site 'side bar' to the roadmap


Re: Multiple patterns for err/warn

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 3:02 am
by jfouche
Good news, it seems to be fine for me. I have to make some tests now (well, tomorow in fact, as I'm going to bed). Then, I have to learn a little bit more about regex to add the missing ones (and find the "not founded" errors / warnings by CodeLite).

Everybody who have some can submit them here. If you can also provide a minimal sample to reproduce the problems, I will be very happy.

Re: Multiple patterns for err/warn

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 4:29 pm
by jfouche
Hi Eran

I would like to have your point of view : Actually, the output tab line parsing begins with warning pattern. If there is no warning, CL tries ta match an error pattern. I think that come from the fact that the actual error pattern matches also warnings ([ eor]*). Can you tell me if you remember why did you choose this pattern instead of ( error) ?
If a line matches both patterns, I suggest to treat that line as an error. This can be done with the new behaviour. The only problem I see, is that it breaks the old user build_settings.xml config file, as the old pattern will see warnings as errors. Is it a problem ?

[edit] : I added the folowing pattern to match some linker errors :

Code: Select all

^([^ ][a-zA-Z:]{0,2}[ a-zA-Z\\.0-9_/\\+\\-]+ *)(:)([0-9]+ *)(:)( undefined reference to)

Re: Multiple patterns for err/warn

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 4:59 pm
by jfouche
Here is the patch, without the linker error pattern.

[edit] I tested also with :

Code: Select all

^([^ ][a-zA-Z:]{0,2}[ a-zA-Z\\.0-9_/\\+\\-]+ *)(:)([ a-zA-Z\\.0-9_/\\+\\-]+ *)(:)(\(.text\+0x[0-9a-f]*\))(:)( undefined reference to)
Which gives more linker errors (for g++ at least..)

[edit] : removed deprecated patch.

Re: Multiple patterns for err/warn

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 5:42 pm
by jfouche

Can you tell me how do you manage window size persistance ? Because the dialog i made to add / edit a pattern doesn't keep it's size / position...

Re: Multiple patterns for err/warn

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 6:06 pm
by eranif
In your dialog, add this line:

Code: Select all

WindowAttrManager::Load(this, wxT("MyDialogName"), NULL);
If you want to use this class from within a plugin, the last parameter must not be NULL, but rather like this

Code: Select all

WindowAttrManager::Load(this, wxT("MyDialogName"), m_mgr->GetConfigTool());
And in the dialog destructor, add this line:

Code: Select all

WindowAttrManager::Save(this, wxT("MyDialogName"), NULL);

Re: Multiple patterns for err/warn

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 7:41 pm
by jfouche
Thanks Eran

Here is a new patch with the window persistance, and a bug fixe for warning pattern update button.

[edit] : removed deprecated patch

Re: Multiple patterns for err/warn

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 11:03 pm
by eranif
Hi Jeremie

I started applying the patches I had in my queue, and it seems that your patch can not be applied after the last chain of patches I just committed.

Can you please update your svn? and recreate the patch?
