eranif wrote:To fix this:
Untick the option: Settings -> Build Settings -> Compilers -> gnu g++ -> Advanced -> Pass files to linker via file
Build codelite and run 'update.bat' script
Once you have the new version installed, you can re-enable this option
The problem is that Windows' ECHO command truncates its output to 8191 bytes
It is fixed in trunk by breaking the single ECHO command into number of ECHO calls
it seems that there's still some thing wrong with the fix. I put the make error output of my project below. it looks like both two processes try to create make10096-1.bat at the same time which causes this error, but I try not to use "-j 4" argument in make, the error still exist. If I Untick the above option, it's fine.
Live child 00E5F560 (Debug/angotest) PID 15067016
Reaping winning child 00E5F560 PID 15067016
Cleaning up temp batch file C:\DOCUME~1\leon\LOCALS~1\Temp\make10096-1.bat
Creating temporary batch file C:\DOCUME~1\leon\LOCALS~1\Temp\make10096-1.bat
Batch file contents:
@echo off
echo >> "angotest.txt"
Live child 00E5F560 (Debug/angotest) PID 15067016
Reaping winning child 00E5F560 PID 15067016
Cleaning up temp batch file C:\DOCUME~1\leon\LOCALS~1\Temp\make10096-1.bat
Creating temporary batch file C:\DOCUME~1\leon\LOCALS~1\Temp\make10096-1.bat
Batch file contents:
@echo off
g++ -o ./Debug/angotest @"angotest.txt" -L. -Ld:/linux/linuxkernel/WORKING_DIRECTORY/ango/li
bbionic/Debug/ -Ld:/linux/linuxkernel/WORKING_DIRECTORY/ango/libskia/Debug/ -Ld:/linux/linuxkernel/W
ORKING_DIRECTORY/ango/libcorejni/Debug/ -Ld:/linux/linuxkernel/WORKING_DIRECTORY/ango/libdvm/Debug/
-Ld:/linux/linuxkernel/WORKING_DIRECTORY/ango/libcutils/Debug/ -Ld:/linux/linuxkernel/WORKING_DIRECT
ORY/ango/runtime/ -llog -lws2_32 -mwindows -mthreads -LC:\wxWidgets-2.9.4\lib\gcc_dll -lwxmsw29ud
_xrc -lwxmsw29ud_aui -lwxmsw29ud_html -lwxmsw29ud_adv -lwxmsw29ud_core -lwxbase29ud_xml -lwxbase29ud
_net -lwxmsw29ud_richtext -lwxbase29ud -lwxtiffd -lwxjpegd -lwxpngd -lwxzlibd -lwxregexud -lwxexpatd
-lkernel32 -luser32 -lgdi32 -lcomdlg32 -lwxregexud -lwinspool -lwinmm -lshell32 -lcomctl32 -lole32
-loleaut32 -luuid -lrpcrt4 -ladvapi32 -lwsock32 -lpthread -lpthread.dll -lpthreadGC2.dll -lpthreadG
C2-static -lpthreadGCE2 -lpthreadGCE2.dll
g++ -o ./Debug/angotest @"angotest.txt" -L. -Ld:/linux/linuxkernel/WORKING_DIRECTORY/ango/libbionic/
Debug/ -Ld:/linux/linuxkernel/WORKING_DIRECTORY/ango/libskia/Debug/ -Ld:/linux/linuxkernel/WORKING_D
IRECTORY/ango/libcorejni/Debug/ -Ld:/linux/linuxkernel/WORKING_DIRECTORY/ango/libdvm/Debug/ -Ld:/lin
ux/linuxkernel/WORKING_DIRECTORY/ango/libcutils/Debug/ -Ld:/linux/linuxkernel/WORKING_DIRECTORY/ango
/runtime/ -llog -lws2_32 -mwindows -mthreads -LC:\wxWidgets-2.9.4\lib\gcc_dll -lwxmsw29ud_xrc -lw
xmsw29ud_aui -lwxmsw29ud_html -lwxmsw29ud_adv -lwxmsw29ud_core -lwxbase29ud_xml -lwxbase29ud_net -lw
xmsw29ud_richtext -lwxbase29ud -lwxtiffd -lwxjpegd -lwxpngd -lwxzlibd -lwxregexud -lwxexpatd -lkerne
l32 -luser32 -lgdi32 -lcomdlg32 -lwxregexud -lwinspool -lwinmm -lshell32 -lcomctl32 -lole32 -loleaut
32 -luuid -lrpcrt4 -ladvapi32 -lwsock32 -lpthread -lpthread.dll -lpthreadGC2.dll -lpthreadGC2-stati
c -lpthreadGCE2 -lpthreadGCE2.dll
Live child 00E5F560 (Debug/angotest) PID 15067016
g++: error: ECHO: No such file or directory
g++: error: 处于关闭状态。: No such file or directory
Reaping losing child 00E5F560 PID 15067016
Cleaning up temp batch file C:\DOCUME~1\leon\LOCALS~1\Temp\make10096-1.bat recipe for target `Debug/angotest' failed
mingw32-make.exe[1]: *** [Debug/angotest] Error 1
Removing child 00E5F560 PID 15067016 from chain.
mingw32-make.exe[1]: Leaving directory `D:/linux/linuxkernel/WORKING_DIRECTORY/ango/angowx'
Reaping losing child 00A204B0 PID 10626272
Cleaning up temp batch file C:\DOCUME~1\leon\LOCALS~1\Temp\make5868-1.bat recipe for target `All' failed
mingw32-make.exe: *** [All] Error 2
Removing child 00A204B0 PID 10626272 from chain.