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Adding button to Debug Toolbar

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 10:36 am
by ndivner
Hi Eran,

I am running on WinXP and developing with Version 3.5.5383

I am adding a new button to end of the Debug Toolbar just after the "Step out" button. The new button is to enable me to toggle between "C" stepping and "Assembly instruction" stepping.
I can add the button ok but it is not visible until I use the gripper to detach the Toolbar when it immediately springs to life. The button then works as expected but on the next launch
it is back to having the Toolbar truncated again.

I have tried overriding the wxDefaultSize and using wxSize(800, -1) with no success.
Is there a size limit or something else that I am missing.

Your help much appreciated.

Best regards,


PS I have disassembly now working nicely. Should have something for review soon

Re: Adding button to Debug Toolbar

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 11:18 am
by eranif
its probably aui perspective issue. to view your button you need to reset the layout from:
perspective -> restore default layout

Re: Adding button to Debug Toolbar

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 1:58 pm
by ndivner
Hi Eran,

"perspective -> restore default" layout did the magic.

I am now back in business.

Thank you,
