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Ask a question about scrollbar in the LiteEditor

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 7:01 am
by ssy
I have compiled the CodeLite IDE project with VC successfuly.
Oh,Thanks your great work,so I can owned one IDE that compiled by myself completely.
But the version I get have some problems.the obvious thing is problem caused by the scrollbar.
I found that the quesiton postions at
bool ScintillaWX::ModifyScrollBars(int nMax, int nPage) {
if (!horizontalScrollBarVisible || (wrapState != eWrapNone))
horizEnd = 0;
sci->SetScrollbar(wxHORIZONTAL, sbPos, pageWidth, horizEnd);
at runtime the arg is:pageWidth = 6,horizEnd =0.and the horizEnd =0 is because (wrapState != eWrapNone))
a messagebox present in the wxWidgetsLib. Additionly,the call is for the
m_asciiViewer = new DebuggerAsciiViewer(m_book);
m_book->AddPage(m_asciiViewer, name, false, bmp);
////in debugerpane.cpp
And the scroll bar in my version is not same as the official releas version,the comparsion follows(left is your,right is mine):
Can you give me some help info about this problem,thanks.

Re: Ask a question about scrollbar in the LiteEditor

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 6:28 am
by fanhe0513
Can not load the picture, use attachment instead please.

Re: Ask a question about scrollbar in the LiteEditor

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 8:21 am
by ssy
fanhe0513 wrote:Can not load the picture, use attachment instead please.
Thanks your concern for my question. I have just upload the pictures.

Re: Ask a question about scrollbar in the LiteEditor

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 3:21 pm
by eranif
From the 'Debug Alert" dialog I can see that you are using Universe version of wxWidgets. codelite does not support this (neither it does not support building codelite under VC compiler.)

You should build codelite against native wxWidgets library built as shared library /unicode and using the GNU toolchain.
Any other combination is not supported.


Re: Ask a question about scrollbar in the LiteEditor

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 2:27 pm
by ssy
Thanks your help! I have transormed the Codelite projects to consponding vc projects,because I am trying to use
the codelite to devlopp an IDE for my new language.
According to your notice, I have known some information about the question, and I think I can solve it.
At last ,Thanks you again.