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My First Project

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 12:10 pm
by midisa
1. I created my first project. But with my project runs another window. Why did it start? What should I see in the box?
2. To create windows, I use wxWidgets (draft basic window). Can I use Linux API? On other platforms, Linux API will work correctly?
3. Give links to guides for Linux API and an analog MFC. Looking only guides. do not need teaching materials.
4. Previously, I wrote programs for the system Windows (Microsoft Visual C + + 6.0 API, MFC). I wrote dozens of programs since 1998. Can I import the resources from my programs that I wrote earlier for Windows? I just want the resources (windows, elements of windows, etc.). The code I write a new one.
5. All my programs that I wrote previously used the database. Which database interface to use for working with files OpenOffice (. Odb)?
6. I used to write programs in Visual Studio 6.0 + Visual Assist + TabControl + VersionBuilder (macros). Comfortable for me does not suffice (in your editor) some opportunities. I have very elaborate editor or you can do what is necessary?

I do not know English. I find it hard to understand a text written in English. Please answer my questions more. Do not use abbreviations.
Thank you for your response.

Re: My First Project

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 1:57 pm
by DavidGH
I do not know English.
We noticed ;) . Some of your questions are difficult to understand, especially 6.
But with my project runs another window. Why did it start? What should I see in the box?
CodeLite makes your project run in a terminal. That terminal is the other window.
If your project creates output (e.g. printf) that output may appear in that window.
Can I use Linux API?
Yes, if you #include the correct headers and link to the correct libs.
On other platforms, Linux API will work correctly?
No. That's why it is better to use wxWidgets classes/functions wherever possible.
Give links to guides for Linux API ;)

I'm not the best person to try to answer the other questions.



Re: My First Project

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 5:42 pm
by midisa
Thank you for taking the time to write me an answer.
You know that I do not know English, send me to Google. :-)
If I were you sent to my Russian site to find information? How would you feel?
I'm not angry at you, but I asked for a link to documentation on the API, and not a link to a search engine.

I can not begin to write the program. I can write "Hello World", but this is not enough.

Two weeks engaged in search of a good editor.

I have a feeling that people who do editors do not write programs. The exception is that editor. He is very close to the desired result.
Compared with the vehicle. It's like a car without a steering wheel. To turn right, turn the set of levers.
The man who made such a car does not realize that a car should be driving. Or this person does not use his car.
He can sit in your car, admire the many levers, but he does not understand that you need one wheel, and not a lot of leverage.

Now I want to ask.
For Linux, there are resource editor, which works only for the system Linux?
I do not want to create an application that will run on multiple platforms. I want to create an application that will only work in the system Linux.
I do not want to limit myself opportunities framework. I want to use the capabilities of Linux completely.

Recommend tools that will allow you to create great projects. Example. I am writing a program for 7 years. Every day I am writing to 500 lines. After 7 years of my project reached a size of 300 megabytes.
If I would not be a good navigation on the project, I will not be able to move quickly on the functions. I can not see a list of functions that are available, etc.
To create large projects, you need a good editor.

My question is number 6: This editor makes one writer or each author adds their capabilities? I need to finalize the editor. I own it must modify or necessary to coordinate all the refinement in the society? How is the revision editor?
I will be grateful for any thoughts on this topic. Thank you all.
So, I ask to forgive me for my words, which could hurt the authors.

To write the text, I use google translator. I do not know what the translation.

Re: My First Project

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 9:12 pm
by midisa
I watched the original text of the editor but could not collect it. This is a great project. A lot of work done. This is a great job. As I understand the way spelled out on the file system. Where can I change the path to collect the editor?
I see the error:
.. / Interfaces / plugin.h: 346: error: 'PLUGINS_DIR' was not declared in this scope

I want to try to make changes to the editor. If I can make changes, then I'll finish off the editor and send the changes to you.