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Cpp Command line parameters problem

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 4:25 pm
by iskiri
Hi all,

I have created a program in c++ that should be executed from command line with some parameters.
Now when I use the Debug -> Quick debug option it runs great but when I try to run from command promt it does nothing nor prints anything (it should give some error warnings or success message). My other programs made in C are running great on cmd prompt .. just that this one in c++ is refusing to cooperate.

Can anyone help me?
Some directions at least :)

Thank you,

Re: Cpp Command line parameters problem

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 3:00 am
by DrOptix
Hi :D,

Maybe it is not related to CodeLite that's why I want you to post some sample code for me to check the issue.