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UnitTest++ Report fails to parse test failure

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 4:52 am
by marvin_littlewood

I like the unit testing support in Codelite. It is easy to use and appears to meet my needs so far. UnitTest++ has one or two convenience features missing: CHECK_NOT_EQUAL being one, but there are easy work-arounds.

Not so good is the support for reporting a test run. Only the toolbar button appears to work. The menu entry: "Plugins|UnitTest++|Run Project as UnitTest++ and Report" appears not to function. Also, the output of the testing tool is not parsed into the reporting window. On Codelite, the tool puts all the output into the first column of the three column table, it uses for displaying test failures. For example, I get all the following in the "File" column (BTW my column headings are: "File", "Line" and "["):
/home/mark/dev/lst/lst/test/testDisassembler.cpp:123: error: Failure in ExtendedPushBlock: !dissassembler.isFinished
FWIW, I was wondering whether the report would be better output as a new window in the same area in which the build errors appear. It could then use similar technology to show links to the file locations in where tests have failed.

Thanks again for a great tool.
