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color sceme: other windows

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 4:33 pm
by kspes
I'd like to change the output window and Workspace view colors (I prefer a black background) but in color settings I can only change the editor's colors; is there a way to do this?

Re: color sceme: other windows

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 4:43 pm
by eranif
No. And IMO, we should not attempt to do this.
It should be using the default system colours

On LInux there is a bug in wxWidgets that some controls do not honor the system colors (they (the wx devs) are aware of it, and AFAIK there is a fix for this in wx-2.9)

Note that codelite only uses the stable releases of wxWidgets (wx2.4, wx-2.6, wx-2.8 etc) the current release out there is 2.9 - which is considered a development build.


Re: color sceme: other windows

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 5:16 pm
by CALLm151
... but the CodeLite get background color from windows color scheme, but the foreground color is fixed to BLACK!
I think this is a mistake!