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Workspace Settings - Search Paths doesn't work.
Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 8:53 am
by jiapei100
Hi, all:
I'm using Ubuntu 9.10 + CodeLite
After creating a workspace, I hope all my projects under this workspace directory can share some "Search Paths",
so, I put some folders under "Add Include Files" in "Workspace Settings".
However, this functionality seems to be disabled. It doesn't work at all.
Now, I still have to add exactly the same folder to all projects.
Well, for sure, if I can add the search folders once in the workspace, that will fantastic,
Anybody has the same experience?
Re: Workspace Settings - Search Paths doesn't work.
Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 9:33 am
by eranif
jiapei100 wrote:After creating a workspace, I hope all my projects under this workspace directory can share some "Search Paths",
so, I put some folders under "Add Include Files" in "Workspace Settings".
This search path is for the 'parser' not for the compiler. The parser is for the code-completion, so user will be able to set some search paths for the include files per workspace (there is an option to set it globally as well).
So for example, if you use 'Qt' in a specific workspace, and you want code completion for Qt, you can add the path to Qt under this dialog. Adding paths there, means that they wont be used for locating headers for code completion in other workspaces (as opposed to adding paths from 'Settings > Tags Settings')
Please read this for further details:
I hope it is clear now
Re: Workspace Settings - Search Paths doesn't work.
Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 2:17 pm
by jiapei100
Hi, Thank you so much for your clear and prompt reply.
So, no matter it's "Settings-> Tags Settings", or "Workspace Settings", both are for "parser" but not for "compiler".
However, is there something like in Visual Studio, I might be able to define my own "including directories" for all solutions
(to some extend, corresponding to all projects under workspace in CodeLite ) ??
I mean, for convenience, it's better to afford such a functionality for users to set a search path for "compiler" for all projects under the current workspace.
How do you think of it?
Let's say, all projects under this workspace are all for QT, I may need to set up both the "including directories" as well as "library directories".
It will be more convenient for me to set up once in "workspace settings" or even in "CodeLite settings", rather than set up multiple times
in respective "projects". right??
I'm wondering is there such a thing in current CodeLite ?
eranif wrote:jiapei100 wrote:After creating a workspace, I hope all my projects under this workspace directory can share some "Search Paths",
so, I put some folders under "Add Include Files" in "Workspace Settings".
This search path is for the 'parser' not for the compiler. The parser is for the code-completion, so user will be able to set some search paths for the include files per workspace (there is an option to set it globally as well).
So for example, if you use 'Qt' in a specific workspace, and you want code completion for Qt, you can add the path to Qt under this dialog. Adding paths there, means that they wont be used for locating headers for code completion in other workspaces (as opposed to adding paths from 'Settings > Tags Settings')
Please read this for further details:
I hope it is clear now
Re: Workspace Settings - Search Paths doesn't work.
Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 5:56 pm
by eranif
Yes, you can define include paths from the 'compiler' settings.
From the menu:
Settings -> Build Settings
Select the 'Compiler' tab, and next select your compiler.
Under the 'Advanced' section of your compiler, there is a section called:
'Global Paths'
Add there a semicolon list of the include paths / library paths.
Note that this will affect *all* workspaces
Re: Workspace Settings - Search Paths doesn't work.
Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 6:48 pm
by jiapei100
Perfect !!!
Thanks Eran !!!
Thank you !!!