I wrote a very simple ASCII viewer, the idea was came from PN2.0 (Programmer notepad 2.0,
Code: Select all
const char * const asc[] =
"001 | x01 | SOH (start of heading)",
"002 | x02 | STX (start of text)",
"003 | x03 | ETX (end of text)",
"004 | x04 | EOT (end of transmission)",
"005 | x05 | ENQ (enquiry)",
"006 | x06 | ACK (acknowledge)",
"007 | x07 | BEL (bell)",
"008 | x08 | BS (backspace)",
"009 | x09 | TAB (horizontal tab)",
"010 | x0a | LF (NL new line/line feed)",
"011 | x0b | VT (vertical tab)",
"012 | x0c | FF (form feed, NP new page)",
"013 | x0d | CR (carriage return)",
"014 | x0e | SO (shift out)",
"015 | x0f | SI (shift in)",
"016 | x10 | DLE (data link escape)",
"017 | x11 | DC1 (device control 1)",
"018 | x12 | DC2 (device control 2)",
"019 | x13 | DC3 (device control 3)",
"020 | x14 | DC4 (device control 4)",
"021 | x15 | NAK (negative acknowledge)",
"022 | x16 | SYN (synchronous idle)",
"023 | x17 | ETB (end of transmission)",
"024 | x18 | CAN (cancel)",
"025 | x19 | EM (end of medium)",
"026 | x1a | SUB (substitute)",
"027 | x1b | ESC (escape)",
"028 | x1c | FS (file separator)",
"029 | x1d | GS (group separator)",
"030 | x1e | RS (record separator)",
"031 | x1f | US (unit separator)",
"032 | x20 | Space",
"033 | x21 | !",
"034 | x22 | \"",
"035 | x23 | #",
"036 | x24 | $",
"037 | x25 | %",
"038 | x26 | &",
"039 | x27 | '",
"040 | x28 | (",
"041 | x29 | )",
"042 | x2a | *",
"043 | x2b | +",
"044 | x2c | ,",
"045 | x2d | -",
"046 | x2e | .",
"047 | x2f | /",
"048 | x30 | 0",
"049 | x31 | 1",
"050 | x32 | 2",
"051 | x33 | 3",
"052 | x34 | 4",
"053 | x35 | 5",
"054 | x36 | 6",
"055 | x37 | 7",
"056 | x38 | 8",
"057 | x39 | 9",
"058 | x3a | :",
"059 | x3b | ;",
"060 | x3c | <",
"061 | x3d | =",
"062 | x3e | >",
"063 | x3f | ?",
"064 | x40 | @",
"065 | x41 | A",
"066 | x42 | B",
"067 | x43 | C",
"068 | x44 | D",
"069 | x45 | E",
"070 | x46 | F",
"071 | x47 | G",
"072 | x48 | H",
"073 | x49 | I",
"074 | x4a | J",
"075 | x4b | K",
"076 | x4c | L",
"077 | x4d | M",
"078 | x4e | N",
"079 | x4f | O",
"080 | x50 | P",
"081 | x51 | Q",
"082 | x52 | R",
"083 | x53 | S",
"084 | x54 | T",
"085 | x55 | U",
"086 | x56 | V",
"087 | x57 | W",
"088 | x58 | X",
"089 | x59 | Y",
"090 | x5a | Z",
"091 | x5b | [",
"092 | x5c | \\",
"093 | x5d | ]",
"094 | x5e | ^",
"095 | x5f | _",
"096 | x60 | `",
"097 | x61 | a",
"098 | x62 | b",
"099 | x63 | c",
"100 | x64 | d",
"101 | x65 | e",
"102 | x66 | f",
"103 | x67 | g",
"104 | x68 | h",
"105 | x69 | i",
"106 | x6a | j",
"107 | x6b | k",
"108 | x6c | l",
"109 | x6d | m",
"110 | x6e | n",
"111 | x6f | o",
"112 | x70 | p",
"113 | x71 | q",
"114 | x72 | r",
"115 | x73 | s",
"116 | x74 | t",
"117 | x75 | u",
"118 | x76 | v",
"119 | x77 | w",
"120 | x78 | x",
"121 | x79 | y",
"122 | x7a | z",
"123 | x7b | {",
"124 | x7c | |",
"125 | x7d | }",
"126 | x7e | ~",
"127 | x7f | (del)"
ClipsPane::ClipsPane(wxWindow *parent, wxString caption)
: wxPanel(parent), m_caption(caption)
wxBoxSizer *mainSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
wxArrayString clips;
clips.Add(wxT("ASCII Characters"));
m_clips = new wxChoice(this, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, clips, 0 );
mainSizer->Add(m_clips, 0, wxEXPAND|wxALL, 1);
m_list = new wxListBox( this, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0, NULL, wxLB_SORT );
mainSizer->Add( m_list, 1, wxALL|wxEXPAND, 1 );
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(asc) / sizeof(char *); ++i)
wxString txt = _U(asc[i]);
SetSizer( mainSizer );
void WorkspacePane::CreateGUIControls()
wxBoxSizer *mainSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
// selected configuration:
mainSizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, wxT("Selected Configuration:")), 0, wxEXPAND| wxTOP|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT, 5);
wxBoxSizer *hsz = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
mainSizer->Add(hsz, 0, wxEXPAND|wxALL, 5);
wxArrayString choices;
m_workspaceConfig = new wxComboBox(this, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, choices, wxCB_READONLY|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
ConnectCombo(m_workspaceConfig, WorkspacePane::OnConfigurationManagerChoice);
hsz->Add(m_workspaceConfig, 1, wxEXPAND);
wxButton *btn = new wxButton(this, wxID_ANY, wxT("..."), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBU_EXACTFIT);
ConnectButton(btn, WorkspacePane::OnConfigurationManager);
btn->Connect(wxEVT_UPDATE_UI, wxUpdateUIEventHandler(WorkspacePane::OnConfigurationManagerUI), NULL, this);
hsz->Add(btn, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
// add static line separator
wxStaticLine *line = new wxStaticLine( this, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxLI_HORIZONTAL );
mainSizer->Add(line, 0, wxEXPAND);
// add notebook for tabs
long bookStyle = wxVB_LEFT|wxVB_FIXED_WIDTH;
EditorConfigST::Get()->GetLongValue(wxT("WorkspaceView"), bookStyle);
m_book = new Notebook(this, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, bookStyle);
// Calculate the widthest tab (the one with the 'Workspcae' label)
int xx, yy;
wxFont fnt = wxSystemSettings::GetFont(wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT);
wxWindow::GetTextExtent(wxT("Workspace"), &xx, &yy, NULL, NULL, &fnt);
m_book->SetFixedTabWidth(xx + 20);
m_book->SetAuiManager(m_mgr, m_caption);
mainSizer->Add(m_book, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 1);
// create tabs (possibly detached)
DetachedPanesInfo dpi;
EditorConfigST::Get()->ReadObject(wxT("DetachedPanesList"), &dpi);
wxArrayString detachedPanes = dpi.GetPanes();
m_workspaceTab = new WorkspaceTab(m_book, wxT("Workspace"));
ADD_WORKSPACE_PAGE(m_workspaceTab, m_workspaceTab->GetCaption());
m_explorer = new FileExplorer(m_book, wxT("Explorer"));
ADD_WORKSPACE_PAGE(m_explorer, m_explorer->GetCaption());
m_winStack = new WindowStack(m_book, wxID_ANY);
ADD_WORKSPACE_PAGE(m_winStack, wxT("Outline"));
m_openWindowsPane = new OpenWindowsPanel(m_book, wxT("Tabs"));
ADD_WORKSPACE_PAGE(m_openWindowsPane, m_openWindowsPane->GetCaption());
m_clipsTab = new ClipsPane(m_book, wxT("Clips"));
ADD_WORKSPACE_PAGE(m_clipsTab, wxT("Clips"));
if (m_book->GetPageCount() > 0) {