SFTP plugin "Unable to login to server"

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SFTP plugin "Unable to login to server"

Post by kipade »

I installed latest codelite 17.7.0, the SFT can't connect to the server, alghough the server is OK. I look up into the source code and found it use libssh, so, I download the libssh source code and compile its sftp example directly and test it OK. However, I had not found any wrong from the SFTP plugin source code, and I tested it on another machine OK. Btw, I use Slackware Linux 15.0 version. I hope some experts would have some advise to help debugging it. Thanks

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Re: SFTP plugin "Unable to login to server"

Post by eranif »

Enable CodeLite (settings -> preferences -> misc -> log level -> developer) try to login and paste output here

Make sure you have read the HOW TO POST thread
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