Where does gcc_dll come from?
I know this is more of a MinGW question, but I can't find a MinGW forum. I hope you will answer this question anyway.
I am having problems getting the MinGW code I downloaded from https://sourceforge.net/projects/MinGW/ to build my C program.
My platform is Windows 10, 64-bit.
I'm using CodeLite v17.4.0 and wxCrafter v17.4.0.
There are three projects in my CodeLite workspace. The first two are C files. The third is C++.
Here are the error messages I get when I build:
Code: Select all
C:/MinGW/bin/MinGW32-make.exe -j4 -e -f "Background.mk" clean
----------Cleaning project:[ Background - Debug ]----------
rm -f -r ./Debug/
C:/MinGW/bin/MinGW32-make.exe -j4 -e -f "Behind_the_Scenes.mk" clean
----------Cleaning project:[ Behind_the_Scenes - Debug ]----------
=== build completed successfully (0 errors, 0 warnings) ===
could not open configuration file: C:/MinGW/lib/gcc_dll/mswud/build.cfg
rm -f -r ./Debug/
C:/MinGW/bin/MinGW32-make.exe -j4 -e -f "Main.mk" clean
----------Cleaning project:[ Main - Debug ]----------
=== build completed successfully (0 errors, 0 warnings) ===
could not open configuration file: C:/MinGW/lib/gcc_dll/mswud/build.cfg
rm -f -r ./Debug/
=== build completed successfully (0 errors, 0 warnings) ===
The error messages are correct: there is no C:/MinGW/lib/gcc_dll/mswud/build.cfg file. For that matter, there is no gcc_dll directory anywhere under C:\MinGW.
So, since it doesn't seem to come from the install download, where does the gcc_dll directory come from?
Or how do I make one?