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CMake Executable Project

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 9:24 pm
by kowalski007
Hello guys,

I am a newbie developer, who is learning about CMake, cause I would like to use it for an app am building. Apologies if my English is not good.

The problem is that, when I create a new project, selecting the "CMake Executable" option, then I try to build it, nothing happens. Well, actually I receive an error message:

C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /C mingw32-make -j4
----------Building project:[ CmakeTest - Debug_Linux ]----------
mingw32-make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
====0 errors, 0 warnings====

I have been using CLion from Jetbrains, which is extremely simple, just click on Build and that's all. I understand that Codelite gives you more control and hence you need to know what you are doing. So, my questions are:

1. Why the error says "Debug_Linux", I have selected "Debug_Windows" but it's always reverted to Linux.
2. I click on "Build" and that's the error I get, not sure why it's trying to invoke make, at least on Clion I always saw a "CMake" command used to build and nothing else.
3. I created the Project using the "CMake Executable" but I have seen many people on the Internet using the "Custom Makefile" option for their projects, so perhaps I am choosing the wrong option?

If you want to see any screenshot or info, please tell me.
I am using Codelite 10.0.7, with the Windows installer. Using GCC 5.1.
Regards and thanks a lot.

Re: CMake Executable Project

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2017 11:21 pm
by Viterzgir