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What's the Difference Between Workspace & Explorer

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 7:27 am
by xolotl
What's the difference between workspace and explorer?

Re: What's the Difference Between Workspace & Explorer

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 10:33 am
by eranif
The "Explorer" is a generic view of the file system without any special additions for the projects or the langauge
The "Workspace View" only shows the projects you want and contains specific context menus, it handles a session and stores PHP related information (like code completion search paths, debugger details and other PHP related information)

You should realize that CodeLite is also used for C++ and JS. For C++ the "Workspace View" is a different beast, it does not relfects the actual file system, but it rather uses a more visual studio approach of using virtual folders