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Howto remember tab indentation?

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 1:18 am
by TrustSeg
What do I have to set to let CodeLite remember to use tab indentation in my projects?

I changed the option in the bottom toolbar to "Use Tabs" and activated "Settings > Preferences > Editor > Indentation > [x] Use tabs in indentation" but after restarting CodeLite (also confirmed to save the perspective at exit) and re-opening my project, CodeLite uses space indentation again.

I also unchecked the global settings for indentation in the "project lical editor preferences" dialog. CodeLite remembers all settings but next time the workspace is reopened, it uses space indentation again.


Re: Howto remember tab indentation?

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 7:54 am
by eranif
This was a bug that was introduced somewhere in 9.1.5 or so and fixed

A weekly build will be released today


Re: Howto remember tab indentation?

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 10:30 am
by TrustSeg
Thank you!