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Rectangular paste

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 10:00 am
by prose

I've been using CodeLite for about two weeks on both Mac and Linux, and so far it has been great.

However, I'm missing one basic editing feature.

With CodeLite I can easily make a rectangular selection ( Shift+Alt + arrows ).

I can then copy or cut this selection to the clipboard.

Once in the clipboard, however, if I paste, it comes out as regular lines of text. If I paste in the middle of an existing line, the newline in the clipboard splits the existing line.

I would like to have it come out as a rectangular block ( or at least have that option ).

Is this already possible ( and I'm just missing how to do it )?

This is a feature that I got addicted to long ago in VisualStudio, and that I use frequently in SciTE.

I can see thee possibilities: either the text in the clipboard "knows" it is a rectangle, and automatically pastes specially. Or: there is a special paste command that pastes as a rectangle. Or: you have to make a zero width rectangular selection to mark location for the rectangular paste.


Re: Rectangular paste

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 10:59 am
by eranif
prose wrote: and that I use frequently in SciTE.
This is strange, since if SciTE has it, CodeLite should have it too.
CodeLite uses the same editing component as SciTE (scintilla), however, our version is a bit behind, it is 3.5.5.
I will check to see if there is a flag I am missing in the scintilla documentation


Re: Rectangular paste

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 4:36 am
by prose
Thanks for looking into it.

I am using the latest version of SciTE, but the rectangular paste has been working since at least 2013 ( and probably much earlier ).

In SciTE there is no explicit special paste action. If it went into the clipboard from a rectangular selection, it automatically pastes as a rectangle.