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I'm lost, can somebody help?

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 12:51 am
by zipzit
I'm trying to understand the big picture on using Codelite, and in particular how to do the setup so I can use different libraries to support my projects.
Note: I'm using CodeLite 9.0.4, TDM-GCC (mystery version, how can you verify that? I'm not seeing any version display files in that package anywhere...), Windows 10

Note -- my reference for this stuff starts at :

First stop, HelloWorld (QuickStart ) C++ tutorial great. ref:

I first thought I'd try to understand some of the tools that use additional libraries, say like the second stop to that reference listed above, the link for DifferentTypesOfCodeLiteProject ... iteProject

Awesome, now we should get someplace. Er, what the heck?
In QuickStart you saw how to add a new wxWidgets project to your workspace. However there are many other types of project that are available.
Ouch. No you didn't. That QuickStart page had nothing to do with wxWidgets, not one byte. In fact as I go thru the documentation there is a whole lot of stuff out of date. I can see folks have worked hard on this project, but it tough to learn this stuff for us new guys.

My ultimate goal is to play around with the OpenCV library. I've installed that and I can find simple examples, and compile my main.cpp file (which tells me at least I'm reading all the hpp header files) , but I'm unable to build the project... which I'm assuming is because of linker errors not finding the correct lib files (Yes there are a lot of error messages here, a whole ton of 'em, none of which are very helpful)

So I'm thinking, I really don't understand the options call outs (and environmental / systems variables) all that well. I know, how about I look at a functional tutorial that goes the very next step beyond HelloWorld? Something that uses external libraries, so I can look at to give me a hint on how to complete the options correctly.

Can anybody point me to sample using Codelite using an external library that describes the settings required? or even easier, show me your successful project's .mk file contents?

Many thanks,
LB Corney

Re: I'm lost, can somebody help?

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 12:37 pm
by Jarod42
In the project settings:

- in compiler:
Provide the include Paths where the headers (*.h, *.hpp, ...) of your dependencies are
(You may also have to tweak c/c++ compiler options)

- in linker:
Provide Librairies search paths (where libraries (*.a *.lib) of your dependencies are)
Provide libraries used.

(Note: I didn't open your project).