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9.0.1 / PHP: auto-complete with classes/methods

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 9:04 pm
by Rollo27
Hi! At first: sorry for my bad English, I am German :-).

I have an old project with hundreds of PHP files, generated with the fat and slow Netbeans IDE :D, and I was happy to find he super-fast CodeLite. But one thing headaches me.

Situation 1, it works:

File 1 Test.php contains the class definition of Test() and some methods. Another file, which includes Test.php, declares an instance "$Test = new Test()" and when I type "$T...." the auto-completion works: it suggests "Test" and after the -> the available methods. Okay.

Situation 2; it does not work:

File 1 contains the class definition, the methods AND the declaration of the instance $Test. But in file 2 neither typing "$T..." effects auto-completion, nor "->". No auto-completion at all.

It seems, the indexer of CodeLite has a bug. It should collect the tags of classes of classes and methods in all files, independend of where the are. Or is it my mistake?

Re: 9.0.1 / PHP: auto-complete with classes/methods

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 9:28 pm
by eranif
can you create a simple 2 files project
that reproduces the problem?

it seems to work here and the parser really collects all the files data
