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HOWTO getting startet with qt plugin (qmake, qtcreator)

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 12:39 am
by Modem Man
Dear Codelite users,

this great IDE is helping me since CodeWright was shut down by Borland. If I had a bad business day with Eclipse or worse, I go home and fire up my CodeLite, load some of my spare time projects ... lean back and :D
Now the day is near to recommend this piece of fine art to my colleagues. But there we're using a lot of QT projects, and I would like to get better in using QT out of Codelite, before making a bad presentation. Thus, I started some hands-on-trainings t home ... and died grateful dead :evil:

To make it short: Does anybody know a good Tutorial for Creating new and for loading existing Qt 4.8.x projects from within Codelite :?:
Yes, I already visited and read multiple times. But this is more a reference for those who did it successfuly in the past.

For my eyes, it looks like there are some pitfalls, like
  • missing qmake configurations if QT wizzard stated 1st time
  • missing or misconfigured qmake configurations anytime
  • mixed up MSVC linker and g++ linker in generated .pro or .mk
  • "unescaped backslashes" in generated makefiles when run under windows
  • misunderstanding at which time .project is converted to .pro and when this is converted to .mk
  • lack of knowledge if I can/shall/must use the same compiler, qtcreator brought or the same I'm using with CodeLite
  • lack of knowledge where to add additional #defines
  • lack of understandig which menu element is for what ("Create new Qmake based Projekt" Icon /vs/ "New Project Wizzard")
I would highly appreciate any hint for any kind of tutorial or 1st steps orders. I'm willing to collect and order all your hints and give it back as "the tutorial" if there is no such thing at the moment.

(sorry if misspelled something, have a broken right hand today)

Thank You,
Modem Man