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Codelite 9.0

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 2:49 pm
by iwbnwif
Question - why did you get rid of the green (amber, red) box at the end of the build log? It was so familiar and comforting ;)
​I changed the build output from wxDataViewCtrl with custom renderer to wxStyledTextCtrl because of miss-behavior of ​ ​wxDataViewCtrl
on certain Linux distros. It was reported by various CodeLite users
Would it be possible to have a style with say green background and black text if successful (on the line =====0 errors, 0 warnings=====), amber, red otherwise?

p.s. just noticed that it is no longer to select the build output on the new control. I may be wrong (removed both copies of my Codelite 8) but I thought under the wxDataViewCtrl it was?
Request - please can we have anything other than xterm on Linux for debugging (preferably program output showing in a tab within the IDE like it used to).
​This one is problematic, creating a full-blown terminal emulator is not an easy task, one which I prefer to avoid :)

Personally, all I need is std::cout / std::cerr output to go here. I appreciate that it is probably a lot of extra work, but how about having the debug option for "Full terminal" or "Cout / println / equivalent for other languages redirected to Output tab only".

I also appreciate that this might be a selfish request :oops: , but I only mention it because I though it was quite normal to log status / debug information to cout.